摩登家庭第六季 第119期:你现在真性感!
时间:2019-04-04 01:18:36
Phil is not a vindictive1 guy. He still listens to Milli Vanilli. 菲尔不是那种报复心很重的人。他现在还会听米利瓦尼利的歌。
It's a scandal I can dance to. 我可以对着这丑闻起舞。
But Ronnie and
Amber2 don't deserve nice Phil. They dissed my woman, so I called in the big guns. 可罗尼和安布尔不配见友好版菲尔。他们对我的女人不敬,所以我请了大人物来对付他们。
You are so sexy right now. 你现在真性感。
Girl, you know it's true. 姑娘,你知道事实如此(米利瓦尼利经典歌名)。
Oh, there it goes. 又恢复老样子了。
Is that my son or am I looking in the world's most flattering mirror? 那是我儿子吗?还是世界上最让人心花怒放的镜子?
That's funny and uplifting! 真是风趣又振奋人心!
It is! 当然!
Thanks for coming so fast. Oh. Where were you when we called? 多谢你这么快就过来。我们打给你的时候你在哪?
Who knows? It all looks the same. Either Arizona or New Mexico. Or maybe even regular Mexico. 谁知道,看起来都一样。不是亚利桑那州就是新墨西哥州。甚至有可能是真的墨西哥。
Thanks for coming, fellas. 多谢你们能来,各位。
Hey, guys. - Grandpa! 你们好。-爷爷!
There's my little girls. How are you? 我的小姑娘们来了。你们好吗?
What the hell is this? 这是什么意思?
We see your driveway boat and raise you a
convoy3 of retirees. 我们看到你停车位上的船,所以帮你找了群退休老人来护航。
Oh, I want to have three more of your babies. 我想再给你生三个孩子。
How was your road trip? 你的自驾游怎么样?
The highlight came in Branson, Missouri, when Victor rear-ended Yakov Smirnoff's S.U.V. 亮点在密苏里州的布兰森维克托追尾了雅科夫·斯米诺夫的越野车。
I don't understand anything that's happening. 我完全听不懂发生了什么。
"In my country, car has insurance for me." that sort of thing. “在我的国家,车给我上保险。”这一类的。
Just laugh. One day, we'll treasure these moments. 笑就好了。某天我们会怀念这个时刻的。
I guess you guys convinced us. It's
awesome6 having Giant recreational vehicles in your front yard. 你们说服我了。在前院里摆一个大型消遣性交通工具真的很棒。
Oh, we see what you two are doing. 我们知道你们打什么主意了。
You're gonna see a whole lot more, 'cause these old guys like to do Tai Chi in shorty robes. 好戏还在后面呢,这些老家伙们喜欢穿着短款睡袍耍太极。
This ain't gonna work. I like hanging with old people. Makes me feel in-shape. 没用的,我喜欢跟老人家玩。让我感觉自己身材特好。
They can't sleep and they can't hear. They're gonna be blasting talk radio all night long. 他们睡不着还听不见。所以会整晚都开着收音机。
When I get drunk, I snore real loud, so I won't hear a thing. 我喝醉以后打呼特别响,所以什么都听不见。
We just wanted to give you a taste of what it's like to have you for a neighbor. 我们就是想让你体会一下跟你做邻居是什么感觉。