摩登家庭第六季 第123期:对大爸实施整盅行为
时间:2019-04-04 01:21:29
And he won't have to remember you because you're always going to be here. 他也不用记得这些,因为你会一直在他身边。
Forget it. Come on. Let's give it a rest. The poor kid, all that pressure I put on him. Especially his bladder. 忘了吧。休息一下。可怜的宝宝,我给了他这么大压力。尤其是他的膀胱。
You've probably got a gallon of apple juice in there,
buddy1. 你肚子里估计憋了一加仑的苹果汁。
Did you see that? Did you see how you understood Jay? That's what makes you so special. 你发现了吗?你发现自己多么理解杰了吗?这就是你的特别之处。
Anyone can learn how to walk or pee in a potty. 任何人都可以学会走路,或是对着尿壶撒尿。
You're the most sensitive and insightful person I have ever known, and you have always been. 你是我所知的最敏感 、最具洞察力的人,你一直都是这样。
Come here, papi. 过来抱抱,小宝贝。
He's peeing! He's peeing! - My little genius! 他在撒尿!他在撒尿!-我的小天才!
I knew you could do it, buddy! 我就知道你能做到的,小家伙!
ay, Jay, he's not done. 杰,他还没撒完呢。
Aw, hell. It's all over me. Would you take him? 我靠,撒我一身。你能抱着他吗?
Lily! 莉莉!
Oh, it's you. - Okay. 是你啊。-行了。
Come here. Come on. Let's have a little talk. 过来,来,我们好好谈谈。
All right, I know that I have been laughing at some of the stuff that you've been doing to daddy, but I shouldn't have. 听着,我知道你在对大爸实施整盅行为时我也笑了,但我不该笑的。
I know that you love this, but I don't want you to be the type of clown that hurts people. 我知道你很喜欢这样,但我不希望你成为那种伤害别人的小丑。
I don't do that to make you laugh. 我那么做不是为了逗你笑。
You don't? 你不是吗?
Well, then why do you do it? 那你为什么那么做?
I hate it. I don't want to be a clown. It's so
weird2. 我很讨厌那样,我不想当小丑的。真的好古怪。
Oh, are you serious? 你是说真的吗?
The jokes aren't funny and everybody's all, "
Honk3, honk, ah-ooga, wah, wah." 那些笑话一点都不好笑,每个人还在叫喊着"滴滴,叭叭,乌拉,乌拉。"
Oh, Lily, I love you so much. Oh, my gosh. 我好爱你,天啊。
W-w-why didn't you just tell him? 那你为什么不直接告诉他啊?
I didn't want to hurt his feelings. 我不想伤害他的感情。
So I figured if I was a bad clown, he'd want me to stop. 我心想如果我是个糟糕的小丑,他就会让我放弃的。