摩登家庭第六季 第129期:办公室里的唠叨鬼
时间:2019-04-04 01:24:59
That doesn't make any sense. I've never worked here before. 你在说什么,我根本就没在这工作过。
It's just a gay joke, Mitchell. Don't overthink it. You settling in? 那只是个基佬笑话,米奇尔。别想多了。你还适应吗?
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you know, I'm in jeans and I'm at work -- I feel like a mechanic. 是啊。我是说,我穿着牛仔裤在上班...感觉像是个技工。
I am looking forward to doing a few days of freelance legal work for my dad because, uh, where I work, 我很期待来给我爸做几天自由法律工作,因为在我上班的公司,
I've gotten the unfair reputation of being the office
nag1, which is...See, it's only because I work with a bunch of slobs. 我有个不太公平的名声"办公室里的唠叨鬼",这...那只是因为我跟一群懒汉一起工作。
I mean, I must tell these people 50 times a day -- "Wipe down the microwave," "Clean the coffee pot," "Whose
moldy2 lunch meat is this, Kevin?" 我每天必须告诉那些人50次...擦干净微波炉,清洗咖啡壶,这是谁的发霉的午餐肉啊,凯文?
So, did they put up much of a fight when you asked for that time off, or...? 这回你请假的时候他们有没有力争一番啊?
Yeah, it's so nice and casual here. I can't wait to get my chill on. 这里真好,很随意。我等不及想展示我潇洒的一面了。
What are you doing? 你在干什么?
What? This is me. 什么啊?我就是这样。
No, it's not. 才不是。
For the next few days it is. When I leave here, men will want to be me, women will want to shop with me. 接下来的几天我就是这样。我离开这里时男人会想成为我,女人会想跟我购物。
Have you ever thought of trying to be nicer at your regular job? Mm. 你想过在你的常规工作那边更友好一些吗?
I mean, I've had to learn how to balance being a friend and a manager. 我也是慢慢学着如何在做朋友和做经理之间保持平衡。
You could call it being a "Franager." 你可以称之为做"朋理"。
But I don't have to, right? 但我没必要,对吧?
Yes, you do. I am your boss. You have to do everything I say. 有必要。我是你老板,你得听我的一切吩咐。
Okay, all right, here comes Lucy. She's new, and dad wants me to talk to her about the way she dresses. He says it's distracting. 好吧,露西来了。她是新来的,爸爸想让我跟她谈谈她的穿衣打扮。他说那令人分心。
Watch and learn. Lucy's about to get franaged. 学着点,露西就要被"朋理"了。
Oh, good, it's a verb, too. 真棒,还能当动词用呐。
Hey, Luce. 好啊,露西。
Oh, hi, Ms. Dunphy. 好啊,邓菲女士。
Oh, no, come on. Please, my dad is Ms. Dunphy. I'm just Claire. 不,拜托,我爸爸才是邓菲女士。我只是克莱尔。
So, listen, if you were looking for some clothes for work, Nordstrom's having a
fabulous3 sale. 如果你想买一些上班时穿的衣服,诺德斯特姆在搞大减价呢。
I picked up this appropriate little number there. 我在那里选了这件得体的小码衣服。
Well, I'll have to check that out. 我会去看看的。
Great. - Thanks. 真棒。-谢谢。