
摩登家庭第六季 第130期:英语中最可怜的四个字

时间:2019-04-04 01:25:34



 See what I just did there? I got to get back to work. Do you want to have lunch later? 看到我刚做的事了吗?我得去工作了。你一会儿想一起吃午餐吗?

Aren't you going to the Pasta Factory with the gang1? 你不跟大伙儿去面食工厂吗?
Oh, is it somebody's birthday? 有谁要过生日吗?
I-I don't know. 我不知道。
Uh, something they do on Mondays. 他们每周一都去那里。
Oh, right, yeah, yeah. Uh, P-Pasta Factory Monday. I knew that. 对哦,周一去面食工厂。我知道。
Doesn't seem like you did. 看起来你不知道。
Break time's over. Get your work done. 休息时间结束了,去完成工作。
Looks like someone has an issue with anger franagement. 看来某人的愤怒"朋理"有些问题啊。(此处为自创词)
Let 'er rip2! What a cannon3! 开始扔吧!真是一尊大炮!
58 miles per hour. - Wait. What? ! 每小时58英里。-等等,什么?!
Yes! 是啊!
What are you guys doing? 你们在干什么?
When we were at the mall, we got this baseball shows you how fast you throw it. 我们去超市时买了这个棒球,能显示扔得有多快。
You guys went to the mall together? 你们一起去逛了超市吗?
Yes, we sure did. 是啊。
And we got the free portrait at Sears to prove it. 我们在西尔斯超市拿到了免费画像以此证明。
We should scan4 that bad boy before it gets ruined. 我们得扫描那幅画,免得它被毁了。
Um...bye? 再见?
You're outta there! 你出局了!
Milady, for you. Looking good there, haircut! 夫人,给你。发型看起来不错啊!
Ah, there he is! There's my karaoke partner. Hey, listen, next time you're Ebony, I'm Ivory5, all right? 他在这里啊!我的K歌小伙伴。下次你唱埃博尼,我唱艾薇妮,好吗?
Two days down, one to go, and everybody in the office still loves the new me. 工作了两天,还剩一天,办公室里的每个人依然爱这个全新的我。
Go ahead, leave a dirty coffee filter6. Oh, park askew7. Laid-back Mitchell doesn't mind. 咖啡过滤器脏了不要紧。歪着停车吧。随意的米奇尔不介意。
You know, it is really nice to be liked for who you really are pretending to be. 当你所伪装的人受到大家的喜爱,这感觉真的很棒。
All right. I'm gonna see you tonight at Ronna's party, right? 好吧。今晚在罗娜的派对上见,好吗?
Okay. What party? 好,什么派对?
Aw, the two saddest words in the English language. 这问题真是英语中最可怜的四个字。
Nah, it's no big deal. We're just stopping by a bar after work, have some beer, some hot wings. Look at me. 没什么大不了的。我们只是在下班后去酒吧喝点啤酒,吃点辣翅。瞧瞧我。
No, it's cool. This is my fault. 不,没事。这是我的错。
When I first started here, somebody asked me to do something and I said no, and now they think I'm not interested. 我刚来这里上班时有人邀请我参加活动,我拒绝了,现在他们觉得我不感兴趣。
Yeah, that's probably it. 可能是因为这个吧。
I might drop by this one, though. I think people would appreciate it. 但是我也许会去参加这次活动。我觉得大家会高兴的。
No, you can't go. 你不能去。



1 gang LhQxI     
  • The gang live abroad,beyond reach of the British police.这帮匪徒住在国外,英国警方鞭长莫及。
  • Some gang came in and shot the place up.有股匪帮进来对这个地方开枪扫射。
2 rip TXQxi     
  • He had seen the rip in the book.他看到了书里的裂缝。
  • I tried not to rip the paper as I unwrapped it.我把纸打开的时候,尽量不把它撕破。
3 cannon 3T8yc     
  • The soldiers fired the cannon.士兵们开炮。
  • The cannon thundered in the hills.大炮在山间轰鸣。
4 scan FZ1xu     
  • The first scan was bad, so I had to do it again.第一次扫描不好,所以我得重做。
  • A scan determines the position of the baby in the womb.扫描可以确定胎儿在子宮中的位置。
5 ivory KaJzc     
  • My grandmother has some jewelry made of ivory.我祖母有一些象牙首饰。
  • It is carved from ivory.它是用象牙雕成的。
6 filter nktxN     
  • Foreign influence began to filter into the country.外国势力开始渗透进这个国家。
  • Charcoal is used to filter water.木炭是用来过滤水的。
7 askew rvczG     
  • His glasses had been knocked askew by the blow.他的眼镜一下子被打歪了。
  • Her hat was slightly askew.她的帽子戴得有点斜。

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