摩登家庭第六季 第133期:我在《阿凡达》里见过她
时间:2019-04-04 01:31:06
I was born ready. Actually, that's not true. I was two months premature1, weighed three and a half pounds. I'm a little nervous. 我生来就准备好了。事实上那是假的。我早产了两个月生下来,才3.5磅重。我有点紧张。
There's only one way to get over that --
Mock2 open house! Starting in five...four... 只有一个方法来解决...模拟开放日!倒数计时,五 四...
Uh, business card! 忘了拿名片!
You're not Andy. 你不是安迪。
Sorry to disappoint you. 抱歉让你失望了。
I'm here! 我在这!
Welcome. Come on in. 欢迎。快进来。
Thank you. 谢谢你。
What's happening? 发生了什么?
I was about to give Mr. Dunphy here a tour of this beautiful open house. 我要带邓菲先生参观这所漂亮的大房子。
I do not know who Mr. Dunphy is, although he sounds cool. 我不认识邓菲先生,虽然听起来他很酷。
I'm just a handsome plastic
surgeon3 relocating from Tucson. 我只是从图森搬来的帅气的整形医生。
And I'm his son. 我是他的儿子。
Good idea.
Pretend4 to be my son. 好主意,假装是我的儿子。
So, is this the kitchen? 这就是厨房吗?
Great question. Yes, it is. 问得好。这就是厨房。
Fully5 updated with an open floor plan, perfect for large families. 完全更新成为开放式厨房,大家庭的完美选择。
Do you and the missus have other kids? 你和你的夫人还有别的孩子吗?
Nope, just me, so it's way too big. You seem terrible at your job. 没有,就我一个,所以这有点太大了。你看起来工作能力很差。
I don't know. You seem like a family with a lot of friends. It's great for entertaining. 我不知道。你们看起来像是拥有很多朋友的家庭。招待客人的话会很方便。
diverse6 is the neighborhood? 这里的邻居多元化情况怎么样?
I only ask because I'm married to a beautiful African-American woman. 我这样问是因为我娶了一位非洲裔的美人。
I can't say who, but you may know her from "Avatar." 不能告诉你她是谁,不过你在《阿凡达》里见过她。
This neighborhood has a wonderful mix of different cultures and ethnicities. 住在这一带的人来自不同的民族和种族。
Ooh, sounds dangerous. - Luke...Here's all you need to know -- 听起来很危险。-卢克你们要知道的就是...
In the last two years, home values in this neighborhood have increased by twice the city average. 在过去的两年里 这附近的房产价值已经比城市平均值高了两倍。
It's quiet. It's safe. 这里很安静,也很安全。
I can't think of a better place to raise a beautiful mixed-race family. 我想不到有什么地方比这里更适合建立一个美丽的混血家庭。
I'm gonna have to have a quick conversation with Zoe, but I think you just sold a house. 我要跟佐伊简单谈一下,不过我想你已经卖出了这套房子。
Yes! 太好了!