摩登家庭第六季 第137期:一头茶杯猪在弹钢琴
时间:2019-04-04 01:33:35
Hey, dad, check out this video. It's a teacup pig playing a piano. 老爸,来看这个视频。一头茶杯猪在弹钢琴。
I saw that. Andy sent it to me. 我看过了,安迪给我发的。
Unbelievable. 不可思议。
That's what I thought, but then Andy and I did some digging. It turns out pigs are crazy musical. 我开始也这么想,不过我们后来做了调查。原来猪超有音乐天赋。
Good ol' Andy. 又是安迪。
Is something up,
buddy1? 有什么问题吗,伙计?
I said "no" one time. 我就拒绝了你一次。
And suddenly it's all "Andy this" and "Andy that." 结果现在你说的都是安迪怎么怎么样。
Well, I didn't mean anything by it. It just seemed like you needed some space, so I gave it to you.I get it. 我没别的意思。你看上去需要一点个人空间,所以我给你空间。我懂的。
You're at that age when you want to separate. 你到了想独立自主的年纪。
Yeah, I separate from you, not the other way around. 是我从你那独立出来,而不是反过来。
Maybe I don't want to do dumb stuff with you all the time, but that doesn't mean you get to replace me. 也许我不想老跟着你做一些傻事,可是这不代表你能找人取代我。
What? Are you kidding me? I could never replace you. If it were up to me, we'd do everything together. 什么?你开玩笑吗?我永远不可能找人取代你。如果我来决定,我们会一起做所有的事。
Really? 真的吗?
Yeah, I'd go to college with you. We'd-we'd be roommates. We'd try to join a frat. 我会跟你一起读大学。我们可以当室友,一起进兄弟会。
None of them would take us. We'd start our own. Oh, my God. That sounds amazing. 没有一个兄弟会愿意要我们。我们自己办一个。天呐,听起来太棒了。
Why wouldn't they take us? 为什么没人要我们?
Well, yeah, they'd take me, but I'd be like, "No way, Bradley, not without my little
pal2, here." 他们肯定会要我,但我会说,想都别想,布拉德利,没有我的小伙伴我是不会来的。
I have mixed feelings about that, dad. 关于这个,我心情有点复杂。
Do you have mixed feelings about a hug? 你对一个拥抱也会心情复杂吗?
Yes. 会。
Well, I need one, so I guess I'm gonna go hug Andy. 我需要个拥抱,那我去拥抱安迪了。
Fine. 好吧。
Hey, Judy, that was a
hilarious3 e-mail.
Pickles4 are better than men. Did you get that? It was so-- 朱迪,那封邮件太好笑了。酸黄瓜比男人更好用。你懂吗?太好笑了...
Have you done any work since you came here? 你来这之后有干活吗?
I'm working the room. There he is. Sport coat. 我在调动工作气氛。看,运动装帅哥。
Sport coat? 运动装?