摩登家庭第六季 第139期:终于不用听她打呼噜了
时间:2019-04-04 01:34:51
His rash1 came back. 他的皮疹又复发了。
No. You must have some Stella on you. 不。你的手肯定沾到了斯黛拉的狗毛。
No, no, I went to straight to the club after. 不,我之后直接去了俱乐部。
Took a shower, maybe cried a little bit in there, changed clothes to make sure. Plus, I just got here. 在那洗了个澡,哭了一下,重新换了衣服。何况我才刚回来呢。
A rash would take longer to come out. What's that smell? 皮疹长出来的时间比这长。那是什么味道?
What smell? - It smells like flowers or something. 什么味道?-闻起来像花。
I didn't get any flowers. 我可没买花。
I smell something, Gloria. What's new around here? 我闻到味道了,歌洛莉亚。家里有什么东西不一样?
The fact that you noticed something. 不一样的就是你觉得有东西不一样。
It's you. 就是你。
I'm getting lavender with, I want to say rose
hips4. It's your face cream! 我闻到了薰衣草,还有...还有玫瑰果。是你的面霜!
I did buy some more this morning, but-- 我今早是买了几瓶,不过...
The same kind that Stella was eating before Joe's rash cleared up? And now you're wearing it again, and his rash is back? 你买的是乔的皮疹消褪前斯黛拉吃的那种面霜吗?现在你抹回了面霜,他的皮疹又回来了?
No, it can't be my face cream! Please don't make me say goodbye to my face cream! 不,不可能是我的面霜!不要让我跟心爱的面霜告别!
Stella was eating it to save Joe! 斯黛拉吃面霜是为了救乔!
But that still doesn't explain why I'm still feeling so much better. I can
breathe5 for th-- 但这还是不能解释为什么我感觉好多了。我可以呼吸...
Stella's coming home a hero! 斯黛拉要作为"狗雄"回家啦!
Lily, can you come out here, please? 莉莉,你能出来一下吗?
Why do we have to do this? 为什么要这么做?
Because she's become
attached6, Jay. She's even sleeping with her now. 因为她们产生了感情,杰。她们现在都要一起睡觉。
Hi, grandpa. 外公。
Hi, honey. 亲爱的。
Lily, do you remember how I said Stella was gonna be staying with us from now on? Well, it turns out...she's gonna go home with grandpa. 莉莉,你记得我说过斯黛拉从今以后要和我们住在一起吗?事实上她要和外公一起回去了。
Okay. 好吧。
Lily, it's important to express your feelings. Don't bottle them up. 莉莉,表达自己的感受很重要。不要把它们藏在心里。
Okay. I can finally sleep without all of her
snoring7! 我睡觉终于不用听她打呼了!
All right, enough. Hand her over. Come here, baby. 够了,把她给我。到这来,宝贝。
What is that? 那是什么?
Please don't make fun of me. I'm very
vulnerable8 right now. 别笑我,我现在很脆弱。
Can you get me one? 你能帮我弄一件吗?