摩登家庭第六季 第141期:我以为我们是相爱的
时间:2019-04-04 01:43:38
Oh, and here's s-something you can...put in the other room. 这里有个礼物麻烦你放到其他房间。
That was hard. - So hard. 好艰难。-太艰难了。
Probably how Lily's birth mother felt. 也许莉莉的亲生母亲当初也是这感觉。
Except we don't have nine other paintings by five different painters. 但是我们可没有另外五位画家画的九幅油画。
Oh, my God. Mitch, Cam. 天呐,米奇,小卡。
Oh, God, are we early? 天呐,我们来早了吗?
This is so not like us. - I'm sorry. 这可不是我们的风格。-很抱歉。
No, no, no. The party's been canceled. 不不不,派对已经取消了。
Why? - Cooper's left me. 为什么?-库珀把我甩了。
He's filing for divorce. 他正在申请离婚。
The marriage is over! 我们结束了!
Ohh, Anders. - Anders. 安德斯。-安德斯。
I thought we were in love. 我还以为我们是相爱的。
You think you know the person sleeping in the next bedroom. 你以为你了解睡在隔壁房间的那个人。
I'll get us some drinks. 我去给你们拿点酒。
So sad. 好可怜。
Yeah, it doesn't have to be. 是啊,也不一定。
If it's really love, you do everything you need to do to get back what you once had. 如果是真爱,你就要尽一切可能争取回你曾经拥有的一切。
You're talking about the painting, right? 你在说那幅画吧?
Of course I am 'cause we don't owe him that anymore. 当然了,因为我们不欠他什么了。
Go get it! - Okay. 去拿吧!-好了。
Go get it. 快去拿。
You must have big plans today. 你今天一定有什么重大计划吧。
This is like your Super Bowl, right? 这节日简直就是你的超级碗大赛,是吧?
I'm sitting it out this year. 今年我不打算采取行动。
The whole holiday's gotten laughably commercial. 这个节日已经商业化到可笑的地步了。
Sounds like Amy turned you down. 看来你被艾米拒绝了。
Like a bed in a five-star hotel. 就像豪华酒店的床一样。
I'll be drowning my sorrows in a marathon of my new favorite true-crime show, "
Lethal1 Ladies." 我要慢慢地在我的新欢罪案剧中忘掉我的悲伤,《致命女士》。
Amy may have dumped me, but at least it wasn't off the lido deck of a
Carnival2 Cruise3. 艾米也许是甩了我,但至少不是从嘉年华游轮的甲板上把我的尸体甩出去。
I know, Sonia. 我知道,桑娅。
Look who's back -- the Sangria sisters. 瞧瞧谁回来了,桑格利亚姐妹花。
I invited my sister to visit so that we could fix our problems. 我邀请我妹妹来作客,好解决我们之间的矛盾。
You know, sister things, like I never liked how she always borrowed my bras, 你懂的,姐妹间的小摩擦,比如我很讨厌她总是借我的胸罩,
or she never liked how I stole her one chance to escape the village and I left her there, taking care of my mother. 而她也很讨厌我抢了她离开小村庄的机会而把她留在那里照顾我母亲。
Things like that. 类似的事情。
Jay, they delayed Sonia's flight until tomorrow. 杰,桑娅的航班延误到了明天。
Why don't we cancel our dinner reservation and the three of us celebrate Valentine's here? 我们何不取消晚餐预订,我们三个一起在家里庆祝情人节?