摩登家庭第六季 第143期:桑娅毁了我的情人节
时间:2019-04-04 01:45:12
Yes, I got that from the...whimsical phrasing. 是的,看到这异想天开的措辞我就知道了。
Are you sure you won't stay for one more, especially now since I've got this
stylish1 cheese-delivery system? 你们确定不留下再喝一杯吗?特别是现在我有了这个时髦的传送奶酪的系统?
Just one, yeah. - Great. 就一杯。-真棒。
What happened? ! 怎么回事?
Obviously2 there were two gifts wrapped
similarly3, and my eyes were watering from the thick fog of Vaporub back there. 显然有两个包装得很像的礼物,而我的眼睛里含着泪水,因为那房间里充斥着药膏味道。
Okay, well, we got nothing to lose now, so go back and get the painting. 反正我们现在无所畏惧了,回去拿那幅画。
You know who gave him that cheap thing? 你知道谁送了他那个便宜的东西吗?
J'marcus. She's got the first dollar she ever earned -- 杰玛库斯。她赚的第一块钱都还在呢...
Just go! 快去吧!
Once Sonia blew up my Valentine's Day, I could have sat around feeling sorry for myself. 桑娅毁了我的情人节之后,我本可以坐着为自己感到难过。
Instead, I had a little
chuckle4, and I got the dog a gift. 但我轻笑了一会儿,然后给狗狗买了礼物。
I know it's silly getting Stella a present...So close to her birthday. 我知道这很愚蠢,给斯黛拉买礼物她的生日快到了。
Is she around? 她在吗?
I think she's upstairs in the bath. 我觉得她在楼上的浴室里。
What? I just gave her a bath this morning. 什么?我今早刚给她洗过澡。
Oh, you're talking about Stella. 你说的是斯黛拉。
Wait, you got the dog a gift? 等等,你给狗狗买了礼物吗?
Lot of attitude for a guy whose date's a
tub5 of ice cream and a fuzzy
robe6. 你没资格评判我,你的约会对象是一桶冰淇淋和一条毛绒绒的睡袍。
You're spending Valentine's Day in a "Cathy" cartoon. 你简直就像《凯西》漫画里的主人公。
Hey, what's all this? 这是干什么?
I thought the three of us were just gonna order something in. 我还以为我们三个就叫点外卖呢。
No. I ruined your night enough. 不,我已经毁了你们的夜晚。
I'm cooking for you and Gloria so you can have a romantic evening alone. 我要给你和歌洛莉亚做饭,好让你们独自度过浪漫的夜晚。
Sonia, you don't have to do this. 桑娅,你没必要这样做。
I want to. 我想这样。
It makes me so happy to prepare food for you. 为你们准备食物我觉得很开心。
Maybe someday I'll be preparing it for a husband of my own. 也许以后我也会给自己的老公做饭。
Thank you for not laughing and falling on the floor like my mother does when I say such things. 谢谢你没有笑到在地上打滚,我说这种话时我妈妈就会那样做。
You know, it being Valentine's Day and all, I, uh -- 今天是情人节,我...
I got you a little something. 我给你准备了点东西。
Ooh, laundry? 有要洗的衣服吗?
No. 不。
Here. 给你。
I can't. 不行。
Come on! Open it. 来吧,打开。
Here, see that "S" there? 瞧见这个"S"了吗
That's for "Sonia." 代表桑娅。