摩登家庭第六季 第145期:观光电梯上的绝美的风景
时间:2019-04-08 00:37:25
Darn it! 该死!
My showing was pushed up tomorrow morning. 我带客户看房的事提前到明早了。
I-I may have to make it an early one. 我也许得早点回去。
Are you sure? 你确定吗?
Cause you only have one night with me, tiger, and I'm as
flexible1 as a government-insured, zero-down, variable-rate
mortgage2. 因为你跟我只有一晚上的时间,猛虎,而我就和政府担保的零首付浮息按揭一样灵活。
Who are you? 你到底是谁?
What do you say we get out of here? 不如我们离开这里怎么样?
What are you doing? - Run, run! 你在干什么?-跑,快跑!
But we haven't even paid for this. 可这瓶酒还没付钱呢。
outlaws3, baby. Go, go! 我们是法外狂徒,宝贝,快跑!
That was such a rush! 刚才可真是太刺激了!
You've never stolen anything before? 你以前从没偷过什么东西吧?
Only the entire show of my high-school production of "The wiz," but I don't think that's -- 我只在高中时偷了整场《绿野仙踪》表演的风头,不过我认为那不算是...
Oh, glass elevator. Should make for an exciting view. 观光电梯,可以看到绝美的风景了。
It will for the people on the street. 是街上的行人会看到绝美的风景了。
Oh, my God. 天呐。
I didn't even hear them get on. 我根本没听见他们上来了。
Well, maybe it's time for an ear cleaning. 也许你该掏耳朵了。
I don't know, you just
sluiced4 them out pretty good. 不用了。你刚才把它们冲得很干净了。
I'm getting kind of hot, Phil. 我觉得有点热,菲尔。
What do you say we cool off a bit? 你说我们去凉快一下怎么样?
Aw, that would have been great, Juliana. 这主意简直太棒了,朱莉安娜。
Too bad it's after...dark. 可惜已经天黑了。
Sorceress. 女巫。
You were right, Juliana. 你说得对,朱莉安娜。
This cool night air is just the thing. 这清凉的晚风正是我们所需要的。
Would the lady like my coat so she doesn't catch a col-- 这位女士需要我的外套吗?这样就不会感冒...
Does that mean what I think it does? 跟我想的是一样的吗?
Think you can come in here and help me warm it up? 你能不能下来帮我暖和一下?
Baby, they haven't built a pool I couldn't warm a little. 宝贝,还没有我温暖不了的泳池。