摩登家庭第六季 第153期:还差一分钟就十二点了
时间:2019-04-08 00:59:21
There I must passionately1 disagree. 我不得不说我非常不同意。
Or was that your game all along? 还是说你故意来这招的?
Okay, if it's an argument you want, fine. 既然你想争,那就争吧。
Fine! 来吧!
Of course Johnny's gonna fall for Baby because he's this big, dreamy country bumpkin and she is the shiny, new thing. 强尼当然会爱上美女,因为他就是个乡巴佬,而她美丽又年轻。
But what happens when the movie is over, when he really gets to know her? 但电影结束后,当他真正了解她后,会发生什么?
Two weeks out of the Catskills, and it's, "You wearing that again, Baby? 在卡茨基尔待上两周,他就会说,你又穿这衣服了,美女?
You borrow my razor again, Baby? 你又借我的剃须刀了,美女?
Isn't two glasses enough, Baby? 两杯酒还不够多吗,美女?
Trust me, he is no longer having the time of his life. 相信我,他再也不是在享受人生了。
Juliana. 朱莉安娜。
Juliana, wait. - No. 朱莉安娜,等等。-不。
Honestly, it is one minute to 12:00, Phil. 菲尔,还差一分钟就十二点了。
Valentine's Day is over. 情人节已经结束了。
Not quite. 还没有。
I can't see you anymore. 我再也不能见你了。
What? 什么?
I can't believe I'm saying this because you're the most
intoxicating2 woman a man could ever meet. 不敢相信我要说这些,因为你是一个男人这辈子能遇到的最致命的诱惑。
But, by some
cosmic3 miracle4, there's a woman in that house I still find as sexy and exciting as the first day I met her. 但是,不知道被什么迷了心窍,那座房子里有个女人,我仍然像初遇时一样觉得她性感又让人振奋。
I should probably let her know that more often than I do. 我应该更经常让她知道这点。
That's my bad. 是我的错。
But, point is, a guy like me gets that lucky, he quits while he's ahead. 但重点是如果一个男人能找到这么好的老婆他会及时回头。
It sounds to me like she's the lucky one. 我觉得她才是幸运的那个。
Goodbye, Juliana. 再见,朱莉安娜。