摩登家庭第六季 第163期:亚洲女人手法不对
时间:2019-04-08 01:26:04
Exactly. Lily could have a baby brother. 没错,也可以给莉莉添个小弟弟。
But there are systems in place here. 但还有制度管着呢。
You can't just keep him like a bunny you found in the yard. 你总不能把他当作一只院子里捡到的兔子留下吧。
That's crazy. 那也太扯了。
Listen, we discussed it, and we think we should take the kid. 听着,我们讨论过了我们觉得孩子应该给我们。
What should we call him? 我们该给他取啥名?
Not sure, but definitely not Sammy. 不确定,但肯定不能叫萨米。
Sammy Saltzman sounds so silly. 萨米·萨尔茨曼听起来蠢爆了。
We can overhand
shuffle2, and we can riffle shuffle...But, you know, there is no escape from the angry...- Queen. - What? 可以用上手洗牌法,也可以用鸽尾洗牌法,但你知道吗,无论如何都躲不开暴怒的...-皇后。-什么?
Phil. What are you doing? 菲尔,你在干什么?
Making the best of a bad situation? 苦中作乐?
Why is that woman rubbing your shoulders? 那女的为什么要揉你肩膀?
Oh, uh, Jillian is a masseuse, and this, of course, is Edward LeGrand. 吉莉安是位按摩师,这位就是大名鼎鼎的爱德华·罗格朗。
Pleasure to meet you. 见到你很高兴。
Now, if you could just give me my
ace1 of spades back, it's in your pocket. 能把黑桃A还我吗,就在你口袋里。
This is why you had to race back to your hellish seat -- for back rubs and card tricks? 原来你那么着急回到这个地狱般的座位...是为了享受背部按摩和纸牌魔术啊?
Do you have any idea what I'm going through up there? 你知不知道我旁边坐着个什么人?
She clipped her toenails because her "Oriental girl" didn't do it right. 那女的剪了自己的脚趾甲,只是因为她的"亚洲女人"手法不对。
Claire, I'm sorry. 克莱尔,抱歉。
But I need you to check your pocket. 但你得检查下口袋。
Don't be mad at me. 别生我的气啊。
You're the one who grabbed that seat. 是你自己要坐在那的。
That was a pretty selfish move. 你那么做真的很自私。
Yeah, I did grab that seat, because I spent the entire weekend being selfless, and you didn't even thank me once. 没错,是我要坐在那的,因为整个周末我都大公无私,但你都没谢过我。
Why would I thank you for giving you an
awesome4 weekend? 我为什么要谢你,我给了你一个超棒的周末?
Awesome? 超棒?