
摩登家庭第六季 第166期:我可是州议员的情妇

时间:2019-04-08 01:34:32



 Jillian's waiting for you in my seat to give you a little back rub1. 吉莉安在我的座位等着为你做个背部按摩。

You don't have to do this. 你没必要这么做。
You didn't have to be so great this weekend. 你这个周末也没有必要那么耐心。
But you were, so thank you. 但你做到了,谢谢你。
And I should have said that earlier. 我应该更早一些感谢你的。
Go enjoy the rest of your flight. 去享受剩下的旅程吧。
I'll deal with this. 这边交给我处理。
Deal with this? 交给你处理?
I'm a state senator's mistress2. 我可是州议员的情妇。
You're my hero. 你是我的英雄。
Wipe your feet before you come in! 进屋前把鞋底蹭干净!
Listen to that. First thing out of her mouth, she's telling us what to do. 听听,她说的第一句话就是给我们下命令。
Well, that stops today. 一切都要在今天结束。
We go in strong. We hold our ground. 我们要强势一点。决不让步。
We let her know she's done pushing us around. 要让她知道,我们不再随她摆布了。
Manny, why are you home so early? 曼尼,你怎么这么早就回来了?
Did you let him skip school? 你让他翘课吗?
No, mom. 不是,妈。
I was kicked out for punching3 a really misunderstood kid, thanks to you. 我被开除了,因为我打了一个被误解的学生,都是因为你。
Thanks to me? What, did -- 因为我吗?什么...
I told him everything. 我都告诉他了。
And you know what we realized? 你知道我们意识到了什么吗?
There is a bully4 in our life, and it's you. 我们的生活中的确有个欺凌弱小的人就是你。
You make the rules, you boss us around, 你给我们定规矩,随意指使我们
and we're not gonna take it anymore. - Mm. Yeah. 我们不会再忍气吞声了。-没错。
Ah, look at you two, standing5 up to the big, scary6 bully that loves you and protects you and wants you to be safe in this world. 瞧瞧,你们两个鼓足勇气来和这个爱你们、 保护你们、希望你们安全的大坏蛋对峙。
You're just tiny, little men to me right now, and you need to leave this house and come back with more respect! 现在,你们在我眼中就是两个渺小的男人,给我离开这个房子,带着敬意回来
And a pizza. 还有披萨。
Oh, what? 怎么?
You need to go first and check on your mascara? 你们要先去看看睫毛膏有没有花掉吗?
We do need to eat. - Yeah. 我们的确需要吃东西。-是的。
I wouldn't mind some pizza. 吃比萨饼挺好。
We're not getting any pineapple. 不要上面带菠萝的。
You are getting pineapple! 要带菠萝的!
We're taking it off our slices. 我们把菠萝都挑出去。
Don't waste any food, Jay! 不要浪费食物,杰!
I think we made our point. 我觉得我们表明了立场。
Totally. 完全表明了。
We'll get our own pizza -- eat it in the car. 我们自己买比萨饼去 ...在车里吃。



1 rub LXWxN     
  • Don't let the wire rub up against the pipe.别让电线碰到管子上。
  • He used to rub up against many famous movie stars.他过去经常偶然碰到许多有名的影星。
2 mistress YDYxZ     
  • Does his wife know he has a mistress?他的妻子知道他有一个情妇吗?
  • Is your mistress at home?你家女主人在家吗?
3 punching akRzge     
v.用拳猛击( punch的现在分词 );打孔;冲压;冲切
  • I will have no one punching anyone else up in my hotel. 在我的旅馆里我不让任何人动手同别人打架。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • A white girl came and began punching the typewriter. 一个白人姑娘来了,开始用打字机打起字来。 来自辞典例句
4 bully bully     
  • A bully is always a coward.暴汉常是懦夫。
  • The boy gave the bully a pelt on the back with a pebble.那男孩用石子掷击小流氓的背脊。
5 standing 2hCzgo     
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
6 scary cjNzKW     
  • What animal do you think is the most scary?你认为什么动物最可怕?
  • Are you afraid of scary movies?你害怕恐怖电影吗?

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