摩登家庭第六季 第168期:养孩子这事我做不来
时间:2019-04-08 01:36:05
You guys don't think that I can do this, do you? 你们觉得养孩子这事我做不来,是不是?
No! 不是!
We always thought you could do it. - I certainly don't. 我们一直觉得你能行。-我可没有。
We don't think you can't do it. - Shut up! 我们不认为你做不到。-闭嘴!
I don't think I can do it, either! 我自己也不认为我能行!
Oh, Sal. 萨尔。
I mean, it's just so hard. 实在太艰难了。
I feel so
guilty1 that he doesn't have a dad in the picture. 他没有爸爸,让我觉得好内疚。
I don't know. I'm trying to do everything
perfectly2. 我不知道,我努力把每件事做得完美。
And I haven't had sex in like a year. 而且我有一年没有滚床单了。
This little dude -- 这个小家伙...
He's the one thing in my life that I cannot mess up. 是我生命中唯一一个不能搞砸的事。
I just wish I could give him a dad. 我只是希望能给他一个父亲。
Well...what about us? 我们怎么样?
We could be Sammy's dad. All of us. 我们可以做萨米的爸爸,我们所有人。
Yeah, Sal, we love you, and we're always here for you -- whatever you need. 是啊,萨尔,我们爱你,我们永远支持你,无论你需要什么。
Except we'll be in Capri all of July. 除了七月我们要去卡普里岛。
Seriously, Sal, you and Sammy will never be alone. 说真的,萨尔,你和萨米永远都不会孤单。
You guys are so sweet. 你们真好。
Wait. June's no good, either. 等等,六月也不行。
I'm getting my neck done. 我要去整一下我的脖子。
Oh my god. What did you do? 天呐,你们干了什么?
We stuck up for you. 我们维护了你的尊严。
Yeah. Rose had it coming. 没错,罗思自找的。
She can't talk to you the way we do. 她怎么能像我们那样跟你讲话。
Well, Rose forwarded your texts to Sarah. 罗思把你们的短信转发给了莎拉。
And now Sarah doesn't want to go out with me. 现在莎拉不愿意跟我约会了。
Give me that phone. 把手机给我。
What did the skank Sarah say to you? 那个贱人莎拉说什么了?
Yeah ouch. Good opening. 哎哟,开头不错。
So funny. We totally
deserve4 that. 真幽默,是我们自作自受。
Totally. Good sense of
humor5. 没错,这小姑娘真幽默。
Oh my god. I love her. - Me too. 天呐,爱死她了。-我也是。
Don't worry Luke. We're gonna win her back. 别担心,卢克,我们会把她追回来的。
We're just go...Luke! 我们只需...卢克!
You think maybe we need dates of our own? -So bad. 我们是不是应该去找自己的约会对象?-太需要了。