摩登家庭第六季 第169期:我联系不上海莉了
时间:2019-04-08 01:36:44
What's the best first-person shooter about genetically1 modified space marines? 关于基因改良过的星际战士最棒的第一人称射击游戏是什么?
Halo! 侬好呀!(光晕游戏)
Honey, have you been playing your new little video game all day? 亲爱的,你是不是玩了你新买的游戏一整天了吗?
When you say it in that tone, it implies that Luke and I haven't been spending quality time together. 你用这种语气说出来,表明卢克和我没有好好共度父子亲密时光。
Which we have. - Can I talk to him? 其实是有的。-我能跟他说话吗?
Sure thing. Luke! 当然了。卢克!
I don't think he's here. 我觉得他好像不在。
I mean, I-I know he's not here. 我是说 ...我知道他不在。
Where is he? 他去哪儿了?
I am certain he is probably out with his usual crew of cut-ups. 我相信他一定和他的小伙伴一起出去了。
You're not doing laundry, are you? 你没有洗衣服吧?
God, no. 没。
But I'm about to if I'm supposed to. 你叮嘱过我洗的话,我马上就去洗。
No, no. Don't. Don't. 不不,不要洗。
But can you vacuum out the
dryer2 vent3 before I get home? 但你能在我回家前把通风管道清理干净吗?
I will absolutely do that. 我一定会清理的。
Thanks. 谢了。
I can't get in touch with Haley. 我联系不上海莉了。
I haven't talked to her since we got in that fight. 自从我们吵架后,我就没跟她说上话。
She around? 她在吗?
I think she slept at a friend's house. 我觉得她好像去朋友家过夜了。
What friend? 什么朋友?
Not a normal name, starts with a
vowel4, possibly foreign. 不是个常见的名字,是元音开头的,很可能是个外国人。
Oh, maybe Alex knows. Is she home? 或许艾丽克斯知道,她在家吗?
Nope. I have not seen her for hours. 不在,我已经好几个小时没见到她了。
Does Haley know an Arjibarge? 海莉认识一个叫阿杰巴的人吗?