摩登家庭第六季 第170期:看看你的表现有多疯狂
时间:2019-04-08 01:37:28
Hi, mom. - Hi, honey. Where are you? 嗨,妈。-嗨,宝贝。你在哪儿呢?
I'm in the kitchen. 我在厨房啊。
Alex? When'd you get home? 艾丽克斯,你什么时候回家的啊
I've been here all day. 我一整天都在家里啊。
You should get outside, get some fresh air. 你该多出去,呼吸下新鲜空气什么的。
It's a beautiful morning. 现在是美好的清晨时光。
It's noon, and it's freezing out. 都已经中午了,而且外面冷死了。
Phil, honey, when I'm not home, I need you to be present and keep track of everyone. 菲尔,亲爱的,我不在家时,我需要你站好岗,看好每一个孩子。
Sounds good. Love you, too. 听上去很棒,我也爱你。
Alex, do you know where Haley is? 艾丽克斯,你知道海莉去哪儿了吗?
I mean, I know she was babysitting Lily last night, but I haven't seen her since. 我知道她昨晚去给莉莉当保姆了,但从那之后我就没见过她了。
By the way, don't read the draft I sent you last night of my college essay. 顺便说下别看我昨晚发你的我大学申请论文的草稿。
I just sent you a new version. 我刚刚又重新发给你了一份。
Uh, okay. I will go read that one right now. 好的,我这就去看。
Oh, my god. What are you doing? Are you filming me? 天啊,你在干什么?你在拍我吗?
Yes! I want you to see how crazy you are
acting1. 是的,我想让你看看你的表现有多疯狂。
Me? ! I come to talk to you about something important, and then you start chasing me aound with the camera. 我?我去找你说一件很重要的事,然后你就拿着摄像机跟着我狂拍。
I asked you to clean up the kitchen nine hours ago when I left for work. 我9小时前就吩咐过你打扫厨房了,当时是我离家去上班时。
I come back, and it's the exact same mess, plus
pickles2 and peanut butter! 等我下班回到家,发现还是脏乱的一片,还多了腌黄瓜和花生酱!
I was running around doing stuff for my crazy boss all day, and then I got hungry, and then the smell from the garbage almost made me throw up! 我整天都得为我那个疯狂的老板做各种事,然后我饿了,但垃圾桶里的臭味差点让我吐出来!
That's exactly how I feel! 我也是这种感觉!
Leave me alone! 别烦我了!
I have a lot on my plate! 我的烦心事已经够多的了!(盘子上很多脏东西)
Yes. Yes, I can see that, honey. 是的。是的。我看到了,亲爱的。
You left it in the sink! 你把脏盘子都堆在洗碗池里了!
Oh, my god! 天啊!
I waited in line for two hours, but I got it. 我排了两小时的队!但总算买到了。
Ooh, we making a home movie? 哎呀,我们在拍家庭录像吗?