摩登家庭第六季 第184期:你应该试试赢那只大象
时间:2019-04-08 02:06:49
Look, I know it was rough on you and Mitch having a famous dad, you know, getting your picture taken in restaurants. 听着,我知道有一个出名的的老爸对你和米奇很痛苦在饭店里被拍照。
That happened one time, dad. Only because you were with Ralph Berman, "Garage door opener king." 只有一次,老爸,只是因为你跟车库门遥控器之王拉尔夫·伯曼在一起。
Hey, he was eating with us. 是他跟我们在一起。
The point is, that ad scored for us, and it will again. 重点是那则广告很成功,也会再次成功的。
So we're gonna flush all my hard work because you got freaked out by some commercial that's not even that
catchy1. 所以就要放弃我的全部努力,就因为你被那个都称不上朗朗上口的广告歌给吓到了吗。
Closets, closets 衣柜衣柜
All right, get there! 好了,进去!
Hey, if you really wanna impress Beth when she gets here, you should try for that giant elephant. 如果你真想等贝丝来了之后让她感动,你应该试试赢那只大象。
Oh, penguin's just as good. 企鹅也不错。
Money! 赚钱了!
I just spent a lot of money. A lot. 我花了很多钱,很多。
Sorry. I had to check in at the job. 抱歉,有点工作上的事。
Always something going down at the Hut. 店里总是有事。
You work at the Hut? 你在the Hut上班啊?
I would guess pizza, but based on your
ripply2 stomach I saw when you helped me get down off the
gondola3 ride, I'm gonna guess...Sunglass Hut. 我本想猜必胜客,但是根据当你帮我从游览船上下来时我看到的你平坦的腹部,我猜是,墨镜客。
Yep, Chase picked out these vintage-y sunglasses that look like I could've been murdered at a cool house party in the '70s. 是啊,蔡斯挑了这副古董墨镜,我戴起来看上去像是在70年代的酷炫派对上会被谋杀的对象。
Ooh, you've been framed. 你被陷害了(加了外框)。
You should use that. 你该用这句。
At your job at the Hut. 你在墨镜客工作时可以用。
You just said "Jabba the Hut." 你刚说了赫特人贾巴(音似)。
I'm really lost here, guys. 我真的搞不懂了,两位。
That smarts. 真疼。
Again? - Yeah. Uh, it's probably just motion sickness. 又来吗?-是啊,可能只是晕动病。
Uh, yeah, the motion of shoving deep fried garbage in your mouth all day. 是啊,动作是整天往嘴里塞油炸垃圾食品。
It's my manager again. She's always on me. 又是我经理,她总是盯着我。
Can't wait till the fall when she's off to college. 等不及到秋天她去上大学的时候了。
Yeah, Maureen? 什么事,莫琳?
Beth's not coming. 贝丝不来了。
She's too tired to drive up from San Diego. 她太累了,不想从圣地亚哥一路开过来。