摩登家庭第六季 第187期:无人机对战傻瓜
时间:2019-04-08 02:12:05
Oh, I thought you had a date. 我还以为你有约会呢。
I did, but I
bailed1. He's not exactly the sharpest shed. 是啊,但我不去了,他不怎么聪明。
What is his deal? 他怎么了?
I took his pacifier hours ago, and he's still crying. He's being such a baby. 我几小时前拿走了他的安抚奶嘴,他还在哭呢,真是个娇气鬼。
Well, maybe he's just not ready to give them up. 也许他还没准备好放弃奶嘴。
No, I promised my mother that he wouldn't use it anymore. 不,我跟我妈保证过,他不会再用了。
Her uncle used it until he was 4, and now he's in jail. 他叔叔四岁才停止使用奶嘴,现在他进了监狱。
I feel like a lot of your family stories end that way. 感觉你家的很多故事都是那样结束的。
I'm gonna put on a bathing suit. 我要去换泳衣了。
Hi, Manny. 曼尼。
Please stick Joe in front of the TV. 把乔放在电视机前。
He always calms down when he listens to...Closets, closets, closets, closets. 每次他听到衣柜衣柜衣柜衣柜时总会安静下来。
Dad, you might wanna see this. 爸,你得看看这个。
He put us on YouTube? 他把我们放到YouTube上了?
He called it "Drone 1, idiots zero." 视频名字叫"无人机对战傻瓜 1比0"。
It has 32,000 views. 有三万两千浏览量了。
We have to strike back. 我们要反击。
That drone just messed with the wrong idiot. 这无人机找错傻瓜了。
Andy's in the hospital. 安迪进医院了。
What? Why? 不是吧,怎么搞的?
Is he okay? Maybe I should go down there. 他没事吧?我是不是该去看看他。
This is not good. 这可不好。
My second cousin got appendicitis, and now he's in jail. 我二表弟得过阑尾炎结果现在进监狱了。
Closet? You'll love it. 买橱柜吗?你会爱上它。
And...cut. 好的,卡。
Uh, that was great, Jay. 很不错,杰。
Let's try it again. Maybe a little
lighter3. 我们再试一次,可能要稍微轻快一点。
Lighter. 轻快一点。
Yeah. Just, you know, happier, warmer. 对,开心点,温馨点。
Even more? 这还不够?
All right. 好吧。
From Jay's line. Here we go. And...Action. 杰的部分,准备...开始。
Closet? You'll love it! 买橱柜吗?你会爱上它!
Cut. 卡。