摩登家庭第六季 第188期:我炒不了我爸
时间:2019-04-08 02:18:30
You see that was exactly the same, right? 你也觉得跟刚才完全一样,对吧?
I do. 是的。
So what does it mean? I don't know. 那句话什么意思?-我不知道。
So do we have it? 满意了吗?
I gave you, like, 10 different choices. 我都录了十个不同版本了。
Let's not overthink this, huh? Just pick one. 别想太多了,随便挑一个用吧。
Okay. Well...give him a minute. 好吧,给他点时间。
He'll calm down. Sure. 他会冷静的。-好。
Uh, hey, Claire? Yes. Yeah. 克莱尔吗?-我是。
So we were just talking, and
strictly1 from a
marketing2 standpoint, do you think Jay is, um...- He
stinks3. 我们聊了一下仅仅从市场营销角度来看,你觉不觉得杰有点糟糕。
He's the worst. So bad. 他简直太差了,真不幸。
And, um...strictly from a keeping-my-job standpoint, it would be so dope if you told him that. 但是从保住工作的角度讲,你要是能告诉他就太好了。
Oh, God. I can't fire my dad! 天呐,我炒不了我爸!
I know. I know. It must be hard, but you realize it's the best thing for the company. 我知道这很不容易,但你也知道这对公司最好。
Yes, I do. Okay. 是的。-好吧。
Can I at least count on you to back me up? 所以你会支持我吧?
Totally. Come on. We both know your dad is incredible. 当然,拜托,我们都知道你爸很棒。
Do you see him today? He's like George Clooney but older, but better. 你今天看到他了吗?就像乔治·克鲁尼比他老,但是更帅。
I...thought that was Jay. I'm sorry. 我还以为那是杰,抱歉。
Oh, man. Almost fainted. 吓死我了。
Just gonna put my head between my legs. 我要在两腿之间挖个洞把自己埋起来。
Plenty of room down there. 那里空间很充足啊。
We'll now take a break to sweep up the confetti that was definitely not mentioned in dress
rehearsal4. 我们要暂时休息一下,把彩纸屑扫一扫,带妆彩排的时候可没说会用这个。
Okay, here comes Andrew. 好吧,安德鲁来了。
Just act like we don't care about the whole Greensleevers thing. 我们要装出一副不在乎绿袖合唱团事件的样子。
Ooh, I hope I could pull this off. 希望我能做到。
Cameron. 卡梅伦。
Andrew. 安德鲁。
Enjoyable show. 表演挺有意思的。
So did you...- Direct? No, not this year. 是你...导演吗?今年不是我。
Ah, I didn't think so. 我也觉得不是。
You're...So we're really enjoying the show, too. 你...我们也很喜欢这场演出。
it's all about the kids, you know. 孩子们是主角。
Sorry. They only had flat. 抱歉,他们只有不带气的。
Mitchell. 米奇尔。
Simon. 西蒙。
Turns out recently, Andrew married Simon. 没想到,安德鲁最近跟西蒙结婚了。
My bitter rival from law school. 我在法学院的死敌。
I've...So how's work? 我已经...工作怎么样?
I'm sure you heard I made partner at Gotshal, Manges, Flom, Arps&LeBoeuf. 你一定知道我现在是戈麦弗亚勒律所的合伙人了。
And I'm actually at the justice institute now. 我进了司法部门。
So rewarding. 特别好。