摩登家庭第六季 第193期:我是个臭脾气老头
时间:2019-04-08 02:24:53
It worked. He stopped crying. 起作用了,他不哭了。
Oh, so good for him. I'm glad. So listen. 真好,我很高兴,听我说。
Who are these beautiful people? 这些帅哥靓妹是谁啊?
They must be cousins of yours? 一定是你的表亲吧?
Yes, they are -- 是的,他们是...
Wait a minute. 等一下。
You turned it off. 你把它关掉了。
And I thought that he was finally getting over his binky! 我还以为他终于不再想要他的奶嘴了呢!
The screaming is driving me crazy! 哭声简直要让我发狂了!
The screaming is driving everyone crazy, Gloria. 那哭声让每个人都要发狂了,歌洛莉亚。
You either have to turn this thing off, or I'm going up there and giving him my keys to suck on. 要么你把这个关掉,要么我就到楼上去把我的钥匙给他含着。
Hey-o! How's my beautiful wife? 我美丽的太太过得怎么样?
What happened? Why do you look like that? 发生什么事了?你为什么这副表情?
I'm just happy to see you. 我只是很高兴见到你。
You look like a crazy person. 你看起来像个疯子。
Dad, what are you doing with your face? Come on. 爸,你对你的脸做了什么?说吧。
Did anyone else notice that Joe stopped crying? 没有人发现乔已经不哭了吗?
Back from the talent show early. Don't ask why. 没看完才艺表演就回来了,别问为什么。
I love it when children have talent. 我喜欢看孩子们的才艺表演。
Why are you smiling like that? 你为什么要那样笑?
Did something happen to mom? 是不是妈妈出什么事了?
Put your face back to what it used to be. 把你的脸恢复成原来的样子。
Come on, dad. Just drop it. 拜托,爸爸,别这样。
So now I'm too happy. 所以现在我又太开心了。
Make up your
damn1 minds! 你们到底想怎么样!
There he is. 这样才对嘛。
I've got it. 我来解决。
Dad, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. 爸爸,对不起,我并不是想让你心烦。
Save it, Claire. 省省吧,克莱尔。
I watched what we shot today. 我看了今天我们拍的片子。
Yeah, I'm not that cheery, likeable
celebrity2 I was 30 years ago. 没错,我已经不再是30年前那个快乐、 可爱的名人了。
I am an old grump now. 我现在是个臭脾气老头。
When did I turn that corner? 我什么时候变成这样的?
You haven't. You haven't. 你没有,你没有。
I mean, you're creeping up to it. 我是说,你在慢慢变成那样。
You got your blinker on, but...you haven't yet. 你开了转向灯了,不过还没有转弯。
I saw it happen to my dad, you know? 我在我爸爸身上看到过这种变化
One day, hap-go-lucky
rotary3 drill operator, the next he's rowing his Schlitz at the TV 'cause some lady sportscaster came on. 前一天,他还是乐天派的旋转钻机操作员,第二天他就把啤酒瓶扔到电视机上了,就因为体育节目解说员是女的。
I swore I'd never be like that. 我曾发誓永远不要变成他那样。
You're not that bad. If you were, why would we all spend all our time over here? 你没那么糟,如果你真那么糟,我们怎么会没事都到你这里来呢?
Oh, you just come here for the pool. 你们来就是为了去泳池游泳。
That's not...That's not true. 才不是... 才不是那样。
No. Crazy. 不,才不是呢。
Dad, you are a long way from turning into grandpa. 爸爸,你离变成爷爷那样还远着呢。
You know, I was with him the first time he saw sushi in the grocery store. 知道吗,他第一次在超市看到寿司时,我跟他在一起。
grabbed4 the price check mic and treated us all to a little lecture on
Pearl5 Harbor. 他拿起结账用的扫码器给我们大家做了关于珍珠港的演讲。
You just have to fight it a little. 你只需要再努力一些就可以了。
I appreciate it, honey. 感谢你这样说,宝贝。