摩登家庭第六季 第197期:雕刻出书呆女狂野的一面
时间:2019-04-08 02:31:48
Oh, boy. Okay, here's a photo, look. 好吧,收到一张照片,看。
She's using the signal. 她在打手势。
What signal? 什么手势?
The kids aren't allowed to call their parents, but the camp sends out photos, so we have a code. 孩子们不能打电话给家长,但是营地会发照片给我们,所以我们约好。
Yeah, "We." 是的 "我们"。
One finger, she's fine. 竖一根手指表示很好。
Two fingers, she's unhappy. 两根手指表示不高兴。
Look at this -- two fingers. 你看,两根手指。
I don't look at pictures on a phone. 我不在手机上看照片。
If it's a good shot, get a print, put it in an album. 要是拍得好,就洗出来放进相册。
Interesting time to take a stand. 这种时候说这个真合适。
But she looks like she's just doing the bunny ears behind her girlfriend. 可看起来她只是在朋友身后比"兔耳朵"。
Which is exactly what she would do to get a secret signal past the authorities. 她就是那样做好骗过大人们,传达秘密信号。
Okay, it's a
scout1 camp, not Leavenworth. 那是女童军营,不是莱文沃思。
She's smiling. What are you worried about? 她在笑呢。你担心什么啊?
Because it's her first time away from home. It -- 因为这是她第一次离开家...
You know what? That's probably it. 知道吗?也许是这样。
I'm just -- I'm stressing out, so -- 是我太紧张了,所以...
You know, I'm -- I'm gonna go to the office and pick up some papwork. 我要去趟办公室拿点文件。
You know what? I'm gonna tag along with you. 我跟你一起走好了。
You can drop me off at the club. 你可以把我送到俱乐部。
I'm not really going to the office. 我其实不是去办公室。
Don't care. Need a cigar. 随便,我得抽根雪茄。
Based off the walk I just took, side-boob is the new
butt2 crack. 根据我刚刚的勘查情况,侧乳是最新的股沟。
So, you want to head down front? 你想去前面吗?
Alex! 艾丽克斯!
Okay, you need to drink this. 你得喝了这个。
I'll get a new one. 我再去拿一杯。
Uh, is there vodka in here? 这里有伏特加吗?
If there is, it's not doing anybody any good until I get it in there. 如果有的话,它没在发挥什么作用,除非我把它弄到你嘴里。
Michelangelo talked about
chiseling4 beautiful sculptures out of marble. 米开朗基罗说过,如何用大理石凿出美丽的雕像。
Well, my
chisel3 is a long island iced tea, and I use it to free the party girl from the block of nerd. 我的凿子是长岛冰茶,我用它雕刻出书呆女的狂野一面。
Music! ! 音乐!
Yeah! 好棒!
Not all my sculptures are masterpieces. 并非我的所有雕塑都是杰作。
I'm ho-- 我回来了...