摩登家庭第六季 第200期:你看起来有点不清醒
时间:2019-04-09 00:47:16
I did it again! 我又成功了!
I'm gonna get you some water. 我去给你倒杯水。
Again! 又一次!
Well, I am not. I am as strong as ever. 不累,我还是一如既往的威猛。
Certainly the strongest person in the house. 我是家里最威猛的人。
Is Luke doing the Dunphy
Tuck3? 卢克是在做邓菲翻转吗?
Sort of a poor man's version of it. 学了个百分之六七十吧。
He added a whole new twist. 他加了一个全新的动作。
It's called over-rotation. Look into it. 他这是转多了,好好看看。
I was so caught up in my spring cleaning, it took me a while to see that Phil was feeling
inadequate4. 我当时忙着做扫除,过了好一阵才发现原来菲尔觉得不自信了。
I knew what I needed to do. 我知道我需要做什么。
When you guys are done out there, do you think you could give Luke my list? 等你们弄完了,你能把这张清单拿给卢克吗
I have some chores on here that require some muscle. 这上面有些体力活要干。
Maybe I should take care of that. 也许该让我来。
No, no, I-I-I can handle it. 我能处理好。
Luke's pretty busy out there not pointing his toes. 卢克正忙着不用脚尖起跳呢。
So he's all like, "Get a life," and I'm like, "No, thanks. Got nine." 他对我说"去找点事做吧",(找一条命)我回他"不了,谢谢,我有九条命呢。"
I mean, cause...Sorry to interrupt, but I just took a break from painting. 因为我是。抱歉,打扰了。我画完休息一下。
Wanted to come over, bring you some tea and tell you to break a paw. 想着过来给你送点喝的,顺便祝你表演成功(摔断一只爪子)。
He almost broke his head. 他差点就被砸破头了。
Yes, I know, and I feel horrible about that. 我知道,非常抱歉。
I-I hope you know I would never
intentionally5 do anything to harm-- 我希望你明白...我绝不是有意伤害...
My throat! 我的喉咙!
It burns! 好痛啊!
He made the tea too hot! 他把茶弄得太烫了!
Not on purpose! 我不是故意的!
He tripped on one of Coach Tucker's paint cans. 他被塔克教练的喷漆罐绊倒了。
I don't remember leaving that there! 我都不记得有把罐子放在那!
Oh, look at me. I can't command a stage. 看看我,我这样可上不了台。
You, you have to take my place. 你来接替我。
We'll wheel you out onto stage. 我们可以把你推上台。
Oh, come on, we both know this song requires catlike movements. 这可不行,我们都知道这首歌需要很多拟猫的动作。
Someone get this man into fur and
makeup6! 快来人给他换装,画脸!