
摩登家庭第六季 第207期:那是个闹鬼的监狱

时间:2019-04-09 01:02:03



 I do know one from my own camp days, 我知道一个,是我当年露营时听到的

But it's probably too scary for you, s-- 但对你们而言可能太过吓人了...
Tell us now! - Okay, okay. 快跟我们说说!-好吧,好吧。
It's really scary. Don't say I didn't warn you. 真的很吓人,可别说我没警告过你们。
This better be good. 这故事最好真的精彩。
I-it takes place at a camp a lot like this one, Where just beyond the woods, there was a black lake. 故事也发生在一个营地里,跟这里很像,在森林那边 有一个黑湖。
And just beyond the lake, there was a prison. 在湖那边,有一个监狱。
This isn't scary. 一点都不吓人啊。
Okay, it was a haunted1 pr-- 好吧,那是个闹鬼的...
It was a haunted prison. 那是个闹鬼的监狱。
Now, on this one night, the night of the full moon, 有一天晚上,也就是满月之夜
What they call "The blood moon"...Okay, what was at this prison was a -- was a ghost -- 他们称之为"血月"...那个监狱里,有一个鬼...
The ghost of an old man with glowing2 red eyes, who breathed fire! 是个老人死后变成的鬼,眼睛闪着红光,可以喷火!
I'm bored. Can we go to sleep early? 好无聊,我们能提前回去睡觉了吗?
I think you're forgetting about the blood moon. 我觉得你忘了今天是血月之夜吧。
What's that? ! 那是什么?
Glowing eyes! 闪着红光的眼睛!
It's the ghost! 是鬼啊!
It's the ghost! No! 鬼来啦!不要啊!
Girls! 姑娘们!
Thanks for that. Bedtime should be a treat. 谢你了啊,现在她们应该会好好睡觉了。
Well, I guess you finally rescued me at camp. 看来你终于来营地救了我一次啊。
Better late than never. 就算迟了,有也胜过无。
By the way, I should've come by and picked you up from camp. 顺便说下,我当年的确该去营地把你接回家的。
That, uh, "Tough it out" stuff3 -- 要小孩独立自强那一套...
That was my dad talking. 都是从我爸那里学来的。
He threw me in a lake once I was afraid of. 他曾经把我丢进一个我很害怕的湖里。
Did I ever tell you about that story? 我跟你说过那事吗?
Yeah, yeah, we've all heard that story. 是的,我们都听过那个故事。
Now, don't feel too bad. 你也别太自责了。
I was completely wrong about Lily. 我完全会错了莉莉的意思。



1 haunted 5rEz4M     
  • There was a haunted look in his eyes. 他眼中透露出忧虑的神色。
  • The country is haunted by the spectre of civil war. 内战仿佛一触即发,举国上下一片恐慌。
2 glowing hsmzVA     
  • She was positively glowing with happiness. 她满脸幸福。
  • Their new musical opened to glowing reviews. 他们的新音乐剧受到热烈好评。
3 stuff Itsw1     
  • We could supply you with the stuff in the raw tomorrow.明天我们可以供应你原材料。
  • He is not the stuff.他不是这个材料。

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