摩登家庭第六季 第208期:泡妞绝技宝刀未老
时间:2019-04-09 01:02:43
I almost rescued her from having the time of her life. 我差点让她没有享受到她这辈子最快乐的时光。
Oh, that's the way of things. 有时候事情就是这样的。
Things work out, and someday, you'll be able to see her be completely wrong about her kids. 一切都自有结果,有一天你也会看到她对她自己的孩子也产生完全错误的理解。
It's fun. 其实挺好玩的。
Oh. Okay. 好吧。
Want a cigar? 你想抽根雪茄吗?
No. No, thank you. 不了,谢谢。
You know, I -- I once stole one of those when I was a kid. 我小时候曾偷过一根雪茄抽。
Made me completely dizzy. 抽的我晕乎乎的。
I don't remember the rest of the night. 我都不记得当晚后来发生的事了。
Yeah. Give me one of those. 没错,那快给我一根。
I thought there was a step there. 我以为这里有一层台阶呢。
Oh, yeah, you'll get your depth
perception3 back once you get the bandages off. 等你把绷带拆除了,深度知觉就会回来了。
Careful in the middle, there. 楼梯中间当心点。
I still haven't a chance to -- 我还没来得及修...
I know. 我知道的。
I thought you were Alex. 我以为是艾丽克斯回来了呢。
She didn't get in. 她没有被录取。
Oh, no! 不要啊!
Stupid Harvard. 愚蠢的哈佛大学。
Stupid Harvard? 愚蠢的哈佛大学?
She didn't get into Princeton, either? 她也没被普林斯顿大学录取吗?
No, just Harvard. 不是啦,只被哈佛拒了。
I thought that this might
soften4 the blow. 我觉得这个有助于缓解那事对她的打击。
And I made her her favorite dinner. 我还做了她最爱吃的菜。
You're such a good mom. 你真是个好妈妈。
There she is! 她回来啦!
Hi. I heard. 嗨,我都听说了。
I'm so sorry. 我真的很遗憾。
Uh, thanks, mom, but Haley already made me feel a little better about it. 谢了。妈,但海莉已经让我心里舒坦多了。
I just don't really feel like talking right now. 我现在不想说话。
I kind of just want to change my password and get into bed. 我只想去修改下密码,然后就睡觉。
Okay. 好吧。
She just needs a little bit of time to work through it. 她只是需要点时间去淡然接受这事。
Alone? 独自吗?
The kids are growing up. 孩子们都长大了。
Guess they don't need us as much anymore. 看来他们已经不那么需要我们了。
Oh, well, that was the plan. 原本就该是这样才对啊。
I just thought it would feel better than this. 我只是当初以为我们不会这么失落难受。
Me too. 我也是。
At least we still need each other. 至少我们还需要彼此。
And I get so lucky. 我真的好幸运。
Ok. 行了。
Still got it! 泡妞绝技宝刀未老!