
摩登家庭第六季 第244期:书呆子奖里的巅峰

时间:2019-04-09 02:38:03



 Yeah, the line was too short. It's over. I can't be seen there. I wouldn't want people to think I was a jackass. 是啊,队排得太短了。他家没戏了,我不能被看见去那里进餐。我可不想让人觉得我是混蛋。

Uh, look, when -- when I said that, I really didn't -- 听着,我刚刚那么说,真的不是...
Okay, first of all, you were just leaving. 首先,你刚刚都打算离开了。
Second of all, maybe permanently1. 第二,永远别回来了。
Faster. 滚快点。
You know what, Gavin? I have had enough of -- - No. 你知道吗,加文?我受够了 ...-别。
What? Why not? It's time I stood up to this guy. 搞什么?为什么不行?是时候站起来跟他翻脸了。
I'm probably gonna get fired, so I might as well get in a couple shots before I lose my dental. 我可能会被炒鱿鱼,不如趁还有牙医保险,痛痛快快翻脸。
No, you were right before. It's very easy to be like me, to scream first and think later. 不,你刚刚说得没错。像我这样很容易不用脑子去想,先吼完再说。
But that's not how the world works. Let me go talk to him. 但世界不是这个样子的。我去跟他谈谈。
No. - Yes. I caused all this. Anyways, it's good for me every once in a while to swallow my pride. 不要。-要。这一切都是我造成的。不管怎样,时不时委屈一下自己挺好的。
What do you want? 你想怎么样?
I just want you to listen to my voice and look into my eyes and ask yourself, 就想让你听听老娘的声音,看着老娘的眼睛,仔细想想,
Did this woman made it all the way here from Colombia without knowing some very bad men who would love to do her a favor? 这个尤物一路从哥伦比亚闯到美国难道不认识一些狠角儿吗?他们会不会帮她的忙呢?
Okay. I don't know what's gonna happen next, but it feels so good to apologize. 我不知道接下来会发生什么,但道歉的感觉真好。
Oh, my god, I still have my job. 天呐,我保住工作了。
Oh, that's great! Let's go celebrate. 真棒,我们去庆祝吧。
Oh, you know what? I can't. I have to go spread seeds on his front lawn so he can run through birds when he gets home. 可惜,我去不了。我得去他家前院的草坪上撒种子,那样他回家时可以享受从鸟群经过的感觉。
I have one more thing that I need to apologize for. 我还得再去道个歉。
Call me the periodic table, 'cause I got all the "Metals." 叫我元素周期表,因为我全身都是"金属"(奖牌).
That's nice, honey. 不错啊,宝贝。
Luke, how was your day? 卢克,你今天过得怎么样?
Well, Luke won the Boniface integrity award, whereas I got all -- 卢克拿到了邦尼菲斯品格正直奖,我可是拿到了...
Are you kidding me? That is fantastic! I'm so proud of -- 没搞错吧?那真是太棒了!我为你骄傲...
The bonerface! You win that award, everyone calls you "Bonerface." 怂人!得这个奖的人,大家都叫他怂人。
It's the super nerd award. 这是书呆子奖里的巅峰。
My underwear got pulled over my head by a girl. 一个女同学把我的内裤拉到头上。
It always goes to Scott Wheeler, But someone pushed his car into a handicapped spot so I'd get the award. 一直都是斯科特·威勒得这奖的,但有人把他的车停到残疾人专用位上了,然后我就拿到了这奖。



1 permanently KluzuU     
  • The accident left him permanently scarred.那次事故给他留下了永久的伤疤。
  • The ship is now permanently moored on the Thames in London.该船现在永久地停泊在伦敦泰晤士河边。

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