
摩登家庭第六季 第252期:不能为了食物放弃信念

时间:2019-04-09 02:52:28



 We do have a table. 我们有一张空桌子。

No, thank you. No, we're not gonna compromise1 our principles just for... 不,谢谢。不行,我们不能仅仅为了食物放弃信念。
We'll take a booth2 away from the window. 我们可以坐在不靠窗户的位置。
In back. Something in back? 后面可以,后面有位置吗?
Oh, my God. She's still going. 天呐,她还在跑。
I know. Remember how winded she used to get hauling3 around "Ulysses" in the third grade? 就是啊。还记得她三年级的时候穿尤利西斯戏服走有多喘吗?
She's surprisingly graceful4 for being so uncoordinated. 这么不协调的动作她居然还能做得这么优雅。
I know. I was hoping to get a funny video of her falling. But I don't think it's gonna happen. 就是啊,我想拍她摔倒的搞笑画面。我不觉得能拍到了。
My playlist ended two minutes ago. I heard all that. 我的歌两分钟前就放完了。我都听到了。
Honey, I know we were all just saying it before, but you could actually win this thing. 亲爱的,我知道我们以前就这么说过,但你说不定真能赢的。
I wasn't just saying it. I will win. 我不只是说,我说到做到。
Nothing is going to...-Oh. There it is. 没有什么能...-终于拍到了。
What's going on here? 发生什么事了?
I'm making sancocho. 我在做蔬菜肉块汤。
Yeah. You got your little Colombian music going, huh? 边做还边听着哥伦比亚音乐?
I know. So beautiful. 我知道,很好听。
Javier got to you, didn't he? 你很在意哈维尔的话,对吧?
No. Maybe a little bit. 没。大概有一点点。
Gloria, don't listen to him. Get rid of that squirrel5 stew6. 歌洛莉亚别听他的,把那锅炖松鼠倒了。
I got a few special things here to help celebrate you becoming an American. Look. Kobe steaks. Bottle of scotch7. Cigars. 我这有些庆祝你成为美国人的东西。你瞧,神户牛排(日本产)。一瓶威士忌(苏格兰产)。雪茄(古巴产)。
You know that none of that is made in America. 要知道这些都不是美国产的。
Buying them all was the American part. 但是把它们都买下来是美国人做的。
Jay, I'm not in the mood. I am having some doubts. 杰,我没心情。我有些困惑。
Okay. You listened to Javier. Now listen to me. 好吧。你听了哈维尔的话,现在该听我的了。
Do you know why I want you to become an American citizen? 你知道我为什么想让你成为美国人吗?
Because I fought for this country. My father fought for this country. 因为我曾为这个国家奋斗过。我父亲也为这国家奋斗过。
Because this country's all about freedom and opportunity, and I want you to share in that 100%. 因为这个国度一向坚持自由和平等,我希望你能完整地感受这些。



1 compromise jO0z2     
  • The spokesman made it clear that no compromise was yet in sight.发言人表明,目前还不会妥协。
  • The probable outcome of the talks is a compromise.会谈的结果很可能是妥协。
2 booth eRzyG     
  • Where can I find a telephone booth?我在哪儿可以找到电话亭?
  • Let's walk around to each booth.我们到每个摊子转一转吧!
3 hauling 99db0f035222bc97b91f21c8c63b68a9     
拖,拉( haul的现在分词 ); 运送; 传讯; 强迫(某人)去某处
  • They went down to the shore to watch the fishermen hauling in their nets. 他们跑到岸边看渔民拖网。
  • They had little difficulty in finding it. but hauling it out of the water proved to be a serious problem. 馅饼盘不难找到,但是把它拖出水面却是个严重的问题。
4 graceful deHza     
  • His movements on the parallel bars were very graceful.他的双杠动作可帅了!
  • The ballet dancer is so graceful.芭蕾舞演员的姿态是如此的优美。
5 squirrel oGyzl     
  • The squirrel makes a store of nuts for the winter.松鼠贮藏坚果以备过冬。
  • A squirrel hoards nuts for the winter.松鼠为过冬贮藏坚果。
6 stew 0GTz5     
  • The stew must be boiled up before serving.炖肉必须煮熟才能上桌。
  • There's no need to get in a stew.没有必要烦恼。
7 scotch ZZ3x8     
  • Facts will eventually scotch these rumours.这种谣言在事实面前将不攻自破。
  • Italy was full of fine views and virtually empty of Scotch whiskey.意大利多的是美景,真正缺的是苏格兰威士忌。

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