《复仇》 第349期:传统家庭观
时间:2019-04-19 02:14:17
Man, these people can drink. 天啊 这些家伙真会喝
Yeah? Come work
puff1 daddy's white party in September. 你该见识一下九月份吹牛老爹的白色派对
They go through $1,000 bottles like it's water. 他们喝起上千美元的酒就像跟喝白开水一样
Come on, Kingsly. 拜托 金斯莱
I'm sorry, Bill, but my district has spoken. 抱歉 比尔 我要响应选民呼声
They don't want
gambling2 near the churches or the schools. 他们希望赌博远离教堂和学校
One Indian casino is 一个印第安赌场
not gonna get you unelected, senator. 不会影响你的选票 议员先生
Surely you can set aside 你肯定可以破例一次
your family-values agenda just this once. 抛开你倡导传统家庭观的议案
We all know you're capable of it. 你的本事有多大 我们都清楚
Bill, could I have a word? 比尔 能借一步说话
Do I have a choice? 遵命
Hello, Dr. Banks. 你好 班克斯医生
I read your profile in "The new yorker" 我前些日子 还在《纽约客》上
a couple of days ago, about the D.C. Sniper. 看到你关于华府惊魂23天事件的文章
You want to know what I think? 想听听我的看法吧
No, but don't let that stop you. 不想 但不妨说来听听
Mm. My savior. 大救星
Let's, uh, let's talk, uh, about your new book 不如聊聊你那本
attachment3 parenting instead. I just read it. 关于亲密育儿法的新书吧 我刚拜读过
Really? No. Not really. 真的 假的
Well, another year goes by. 又一年过去了
They just go quicker and quicker. 时光流逝
Mm. Not this one. 这一年不同以往
I for one cannot wait to put this one behind me. 我巴不得今年能快点过完
I think I might be needing something with a little more purpose. 我想我得来点有用的东西
Excuse me, Lydia. Thank you. 失陪一下 莉迪亚 谢谢