《复仇》 第375期:艾米莉的阴谋
时间:2019-04-22 02:43:37
Obviously, we're not talking William and Kate territory, 显然 我们讨论的不是威廉王子和凯特
but you are considered American
royalty1. 但你们也算是美国皇室了
Well, Daniel is. 我是说丹尼尔
Your heritage is still a little bit of a mystery, Emily. 你的遗产还有些不清不楚 艾米莉
But in this case, that's a good thing. 不过现在这种情况下 反而是件好事
We can spin the fairy tale any way we want. 这段童话恋情我们想怎么编就怎么编
Emily. 艾米莉
You know where I stand. 你知道我的立场
I'm a very private person. Always have been. 我是个很注重隐私的人 一直都是
You can have an intimate wedding 你们可以举行一场很私密的婚礼
and still generate plenty of public interest, 但还是会有很多公共视线牵涉其中
not to mention press opportunities. 小型记者招待会也不例外
Front page of the Sunday style sections... 星期日报时尚篇的头版
Like I said, I got your threat, loud and clear. 正如我所说 我收到你的威胁了 一清二楚
You're the only one issuing threats here. 你才是发出威胁的人
That's right. 没错
Names, dates, video
recordings3, bank transactions, 姓名 日期 录像 银行交易
the original hard drive from David Clarke's computer-- 大卫·克拉克电脑上的原始硬盘
every piece of evidence from the first day 自你二十年前跨进我家大门
you darkened my door 20 years ago 到上个月李·莫伦在监狱被人谋杀
straight through to the prison murder of Lee Moran last month. 期间每一件证据我都有
It's quite a dossier. 东西还真不少
Mutually assured destruction. 是要同归于尽
Damn right. 没错