时间:2019-05-17 02:36:37
Thank you. 谢谢大家
We love you! 我们爱你
Thank you! 谢谢大家
I just received 我刚刚收到
a very gracious phone call from Governor Stoddard... 斯托达德州长的亲切来电
In which he congratulated me 他向今晚被纽约州
on the tremendous honor
bestowed1 upon me 赋予无上荣誉的我
by the state of New York this evening! 表达了恭喜
Thank you. 感谢诸位
But before I express my profound
gratitude2, 但在我表达我满心感激之情之前
I'd like to set aside politics 我希望暂时抛开政治不谈
in lieu of humanity for a moment 替之以人性
and acknowledge the loss of an extraordinary young man-- 宣布一位杰出的年轻人的死讯
Mr. Declan Porter. 德克兰·波特先生
He's the brother to the hero of my campaign-- 他是我此次胜选的得力助手
and a dear friend of my daughter Charlotte 也是我女儿夏洛特的好朋友
whom my wife is at home comforting at this moment. 我夫人现在正在家安慰她