时间:2019-05-23 05:09:51
The press got ahold of our one-hit wonder, 媒体把我们这个事挖了出来
and Bizzy squashed it... 而比兹为了粉碎流言
by claiming I was gay. 对外宣称我是同性恋
I remember when that happened. It was right when we met. 我记得事情发生的时候我们刚认识
I didn't know that she was behind it. 我不知道是她在出谋划策
Neither did my father. 我父亲也不知道
Nolcorp's success had finally gotten us back on good terms, 诺氏集团的成功总算让我们的关系有所缓和
even planning a visit to New York 他甚至准备来纽约
to see my R&D facility. 参观我的研发设备
Programmed a robot to open him a beer. 我还给机器人设计了会帮他开啤酒瓶的程序
Then... he read the press release, 就在那时 他看到了媒体的报道
canceled his trip... 取消了行程
spoke2 to me again. 再也没和我说过话
I'm sorry, Nolan. 我很抱歉 诺兰
Bizzy's the one who should be sorry. 比兹才是真正该说抱歉的人
And we have to stop you from becoming the next victim 我们不能让你成为她公关手段的
of her P.R. machine. 下一个受害者
She makes a living covering her clients' secrets. 她靠帮她的客户掩饰秘密谋生
We just have to expose them. 只要把这些秘密抖出来 就能毁了她
Yeah, but that's not a simple task. 话虽这么说 但做起来可没那么容易