

时间:2020-08-20 08:25:22



Williamson was at a cold-case conference in December 2017 when she and Texas Ranger1 James Holland, an expert on interviewing sociopaths, happened to hear about Little, who— despite dozens of arrests for violent crimes


—had eluded2 murder convictions until 2014, when his DNA3 connected him to the late-1980s Los Angeles murders of Audrey, 35, Carol Alford, 41, and Guadalupe Apodaca, 46.

——利特尔直到2014年才被定谋杀罪,那时他的DNA将他与上世纪80年代末发生在洛杉矶的谋杀联系起来时,受害者是35岁的奥黛丽(Audrey)、41岁的卡罗尔·阿尔福德(Carol Alford)和46岁的瓜达卢佩·阿帕代卡(Guadalupe Apodaca)。

Williamson and Holland had a hunch4 that Little—who at first denied those murders but had run out of appeals by then—might have information on cold cases that had long vexed5 them.


So with Williamson and FBI analyst6 Christie Palazzolo listening from across the hall with a pile of case files and access to the FBI database, Holland first met with Little at the California prison in May 2018, gingerly poking7 into the 1994 unsolved murder of Denise Brothers in Odessa, Texas.

所以,2018年5月,威廉姆森和联邦调查局分析员克里斯蒂·帕拉佐洛(Christie Palazzolo)带着一堆案件档案和联邦调查局数据库,在大厅的另一端聆听霍兰德的讲述时,霍兰德第一次在加州监狱见到利特尔,小心翼翼地调查了1994年发生在德克萨斯州敖德萨的丹尼斯兄弟谋杀案。

"Jim was talking about, 'Did you ever do anything in Texas?' And threw out city names, threw out Odessa. And Little just unloaded, basically the contents of the Odessa case file that Christie and I had in front of us," says Williamson.


"That's how all the cases have come out. He just kept talking, telling us what he did, where he did it, listing off cities, approximate years. It was dumb founding."


All told, Holland logged more than 700 hours of one-on-one interviews with Little, plying8 the killer9 with peanut M&Ms and Dr.Pepper to keep his confessions10 coming.


To gain Little's trust Holland even talked Ector County, Texas, District Attorney Bobby Bland11 into waiving12 the death penalty in exchange for Little's guilty plea in Brothers's murder.


"That broke open the floodgates, and he started confessing to a bunch of cases," Bland says. "The details he gave were so uncanny that they had to be true."


And Little seemed to relish13 reliving his crimes, most of which played out before DNA testing and surveillance cameras were ubiquitous.


"You have a person who enjoyed what he did and wanted to remember the details for his own gratification," says Bland.


At one point prison guards showed Williams on and Palazzolo portraits of celebrities14 that Little had drawn15 and taped up in his cell. "They were pretty decent, and we could tell who everyone was," Williamson explains.


"So Ranger Holland was like, 'Hey, you really like talking about your victims. Would you like to draw them?' Little said, 'Yeah.' He would stay up all night drawing."


Soon Holland invited other cold case detectives, like Miami-Dade, Fla., Police Det. David Denmark, to take a crack at Little on their own unsolved cases.

不久,霍兰德又邀请了其他的悬案侦探,比如佛罗里达州的迈阿密-戴德,警官戴维·德马克(David Denmark)对自己未侦破的案件进行了调查。

"We were all ears, and he was all mouth," says Denmark. "We were like, 'Holy crap!' He knows he's going to die in prison, and here he is telling us he wants to help us out."




1 ranger RTvxb     
  • He was the head ranger of the national park.他曾是国家公园的首席看守员。
  • He loved working as a ranger.他喜欢做护林人。
2 eluded 8afea5b7a29fab905a2d34ae6f94a05f     
v.(尤指机敏地)避开( elude的过去式和过去分词 );逃避;躲避;使达不到
  • The sly fox nimbly eluded the dogs. 那只狡猾的狐狸灵活地躲避开那群狗。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • The criminal eluded the police. 那个罪犯甩掉了警察的追捕。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
3 DNA 4u3z1l     
(缩)deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸
  • DNA is stored in the nucleus of a cell.脱氧核糖核酸储存于细胞的细胞核里。
  • Gene mutations are alterations in the DNA code.基因突变是指DNA密码的改变。
4 hunch CdVzZ     
  • I have a hunch that he didn't really want to go.我有这么一种感觉,他并不真正想去。
  • I had a hunch that Susan and I would work well together.我有预感和苏珊共事会很融洽。
5 vexed fd1a5654154eed3c0a0820ab54fb90a7     
adj.争论不休的;(指问题等)棘手的;争论不休的问题;烦恼的v.使烦恼( vex的过去式和过去分词 );使苦恼;使生气;详细讨论
  • The conference spent days discussing the vexed question of border controls. 会议花了几天的时间讨论边境关卡这个难题。
  • He was vexed at his failure. 他因失败而懊恼。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
6 analyst gw7zn     
  • What can you contribute to the position of a market analyst?你有什么技能可有助于市场分析员的职务?
  • The analyst is required to interpolate values between standards.分析人员需要在这些标准中插入一些值。
7 poking poking     
n. 刺,戳,袋 vt. 拨开,刺,戳 vi. 戳,刺,捅,搜索,伸出,行动散慢
  • He was poking at the rubbish with his stick. 他正用手杖拨动垃圾。
  • He spent his weekends poking around dusty old bookshops. 他周末都泡在布满尘埃的旧书店里。
8 plying b2836f18a4e99062f56b2ed29640d9cf     
v.使用(工具)( ply的现在分词 );经常供应(食物、饮料);固定往来;经营生意
  • All manner of hawkers and street sellers were plying their trade. 形形色色的沿街小贩都在做着自己的买卖。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • It was rather Mrs. Wang who led the conversation, plying Miss Liu with questions. 倒是汪太太谈锋甚健,向刘小姐问长问短。 来自汉英文学 - 围城
9 killer rpLziK     
  • Heart attacks have become Britain's No.1 killer disease.心脏病已成为英国的头号致命疾病。
  • The bulk of the evidence points to him as her killer.大量证据证明是他杀死她的。
10 confessions 4fa8f33e06cadcb434c85fa26d61bf95     
n.承认( confession的名词复数 );自首;声明;(向神父的)忏悔
  • It is strictly forbidden to obtain confessions and to give them credence. 严禁逼供信。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • Neither trickery nor coercion is used to secure confessions. 既不诱供也不逼供。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
11 bland dW1zi     
  • He eats bland food because of his stomach trouble.他因胃病而吃清淡的食物。
  • This soup is too bland for me.这汤我喝起来偏淡。
12 waiving cc5f6ad349016a559ff973536ac175a6     
v.宣布放弃( waive的现在分词 );搁置;推迟;放弃(权利、要求等)
  • Other steps suggested included waiving late payment charges, making quicker loan decisions and easing loan terms. 其他测试还包括免去滞纳金,尽快做出贷款决定和放宽贷款条件。 来自互联网
  • Stuyvesant Town offers the same perk on some apartments, along waiving the broker's fee. StuyvesantTown对于他们出租的某些房子也提供同样的好处,顺带还省略了中介费。 来自互联网
13 relish wBkzs     
  • I have no relish for pop music.我对流行音乐不感兴趣。
  • I relish the challenge of doing jobs that others turn down.我喜欢挑战别人拒绝做的工作。
14 celebrities d38f03cca59ea1056c17b4467ee0b769     
n.(尤指娱乐界的)名人( celebrity的名词复数 );名流;名声;名誉
  • He only invited A-list celebrities to his parties. 他只邀请头等名流参加他的聚会。
  • a TV chat show full of B-list celebrities 由众多二流人物参加的电视访谈节目
15 drawn MuXzIi     
  • All the characters in the story are drawn from life.故事中的所有人物都取材于生活。
  • Her gaze was drawn irresistibly to the scene outside.她的目光禁不住被外面的风景所吸引。

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