

时间:2009-10-24 00:49:51



  208. Office drearms办公室的梦想 stack-stationary1
It was July 1830. On a sunny, hot day, feeling as if all his stamina2 had left him, Case Steele staggered up the staircase and into his office. A stack of papers nearly reaching the ceiling greeted him. His assistant, Ward3 Stevens, came in and stood next to him. Case was a staggering 2.2 meters tall. Since this was the case, he stood in stark4 contrast to the rest of his staff, and Ward, at 1.6 meters tall, was no exception.
“Good morning, sir,” Ward greeted him.
“Is that the stale smell of alcohol on your breath, Ward? Are you still stashing6 a bottle of whiskey in your desk drawer?”
“Yse sir. It’s the one stain on my personal character that I regret. Please don’t let others know, sir, for I have good standing7 in our company, and it is my desire to move up in the business. If I were forced to stay stationary for too long, my ambition would become stagnant8. The whiskey simply helps me deal with the perssure.”
“I understand. This city can really feel like it’s stalking you at times. You know, sometimes, Ward, I think we should just hop9 onto a stagecoach10 and go out west, Missouri territory or some place like that.”
“I’ll admit, it sounds like an adventure, sir. But I’ve heard reports of starvation out there. I don’t care to starve, sir.”
“Oh, you won’t starve, Ward. It’s a land of plenty out there, and beautiful. I love nature and I bet I could wirte some nice stanzas12 of poetry about the wilderness13. Things here in the city were static, with stately, ornate buildings and the same people seeking temporary stardom withing those confines. I need change and excitement!”
“But sir, nothing out there has been standardized15 like here in the city. Maybe one day you do things one way, then the next, another. I find it too dangerous. I think that’s the reason shy folks have starved out there.”
“Oh, Ward, no one out there is hungry. They have plenty of staple16 foods. You know, flapjacke, beans, and other starches18.”
“Isn’t this really just a fantasy, sir? We aren’t really going to get a stagecoach and go out west, are we?”
“Probably not, Ward. But it never hures to dream.”
stack vt.堆积n.堆
staff n.全体人员或职员
stagecoach n.驿马车,公共马车
stagger vi.蹒跚,摇晃
staggering adj.巨大的,惊人的
stagnant adj.(尤指水)不流动的,有臭味的,不发展的,停滞不前的
stain n.污点,瑕疵
staircase n.楼梯,楼梯间
stale adj.不新鲜的,走味的,无趣味的,陈腐的
stalk vt. 隐伏跟踪)猎物n.茎,柄,梗
stamina n.体力,耐力
stand vt.站立,忍受,容忍
standardize14 vt.使符合标准,使标准化
standing adj.固定的,常设的 n.身份,名望
stanza11 n.(诗)节,段
staple n. 主要产品,日常必需品adj. 主要的,常用的vt.把…订起来
starch17 n.淀粉,淀粉食物
stardom n.明星的身份或地位
stark adj.光秃秃的,荒凉的,分明的
starvation n.饥饿,饿死
starve v.挨饿
stash5 vt.藏起来,隐藏起来
stately adj.庄严的,堂皇的
static adj.静态的,呆板的
stationary adj.固定的,静止的



1 stationary CuAwc     
  • A stationary object is easy to be aimed at.一个静止不动的物体是容易瞄准的。
  • Wait until the bus is stationary before you get off.你要等公共汽车停稳了再下车。
2 stamina br8yJ     
  • I lacked the stamina to run the whole length of the race.我没有跑完全程的耐力。
  • Giving up smoking had a magical effect on his stamina.戒烟神奇地增强了他的体力。
3 ward LhbwY     
  • The hospital has a medical ward and a surgical ward.这家医院有内科病房和外科病房。
  • During the evening picnic,I'll carry a torch to ward off the bugs.傍晚野餐时,我要点根火把,抵挡蚊虫。
4 stark lGszd     
  • The young man is faced with a stark choice.这位年轻人面临严峻的抉择。
  • He gave a stark denial to the rumor.他对谣言加以完全的否认。
5 stash zFmya     
  • Stash away both what you lost and gained,for life continues on.将得失深藏心底吧,为了那未来的生活。
  • That's supposed to be in our private stash.这是我的私人珍藏。
6 stashing 2199bb129316dce984c8131eace8745f     
v.贮藏( stash的现在分词 );隐藏;藏匿;藏起
7 standing 2hCzgo     
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
8 stagnant iGgzj     
  • Due to low investment,industrial output has remained stagnant.由于投资少,工业生产一直停滞不前。
  • Their national economy is stagnant.他们的国家经济停滞不前。
9 hop vdJzL     
  • The children had a competition to see who could hop the fastest.孩子们举行比赛,看谁单足跳跃最快。
  • How long can you hop on your right foot?你用右脚能跳多远?
10 stagecoach PuQww     
  • She's getting off the stagecoach.她正在下马车。
  • The stagecoach driver cracked the whip.驿站马车的车夫抽响了鞭子。
11 stanza RFoyc     
  • We omitted to sing the second stanza.我们漏唱了第二节。
  • One young reporter wrote a review with a stanza that contained some offensive content.一个年轻的记者就歌词中包含有攻击性内容的一节写了评论。
12 stanzas 1e39fe34fae422643886648813bd6ab1     
节,段( stanza的名词复数 )
  • The poem has six stanzas. 这首诗有六小节。
  • Stanzas are different from each other in one poem. 诗中节与节差异颇大。
13 wilderness SgrwS     
  • She drove the herd of cattle through the wilderness.她赶着牛群穿过荒野。
  • Education in the wilderness is not a matter of monetary means.荒凉地区的教育不是钱财问题。
14 standardize UuMwl     
  • We will extend and standardize legal services and provide effective legal aid.拓展和规范法律服务,积极开展法律援助。
  • There is a drive both to standardise components and to reduce the number of models on offer.正在为实现零部件标准化和减少推出的型号数量而努力。
15 standardized 8hHzgs     
  • We use standardized tests to measure scholastic achievement. 我们用标准化考试来衡量学生的学业成绩。
  • The parts of an automobile are standardized. 汽车零件是标准化了的。
16 staple fGkze     
  • Tea is the staple crop here.本地产品以茶叶为大宗。
  • Potatoes are the staple of their diet.土豆是他们的主要食品。
17 starch YrAyK     
  • Corn starch is used as a thickener in stews.玉米淀粉在炖煮菜肴中被用作增稠剂。
  • I think there's too much starch in their diet.我看是他们的饮食里淀粉太多了。
18 starches 4a2ff941018a19601cc0790704781df1     
n.淀粉( starch的名词复数 );含淀粉的食物;浆粉v.把(衣服、床单等)浆一浆( starch的第三人称单数 )
  • You should avoid sugars and starches. 你应避免吃糖和含淀粉的食物。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Cotton and rayon yarns are most often sized with water-insoluble starches. 棉和人造丝纱多用不溶于水的淀粉上浆。 来自互联网

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