
新标准初中英语九年级(下):UNIT2 Mother's Day

时间:2010-03-19 05:47:43



[00:02.53]Module 3 MOTHER'S DAY
[00:06.42]Unit 2 Many countries celebrate Mother's Day.
[00:11.19]1 Listen and read.
[00:15.27]The Story of Mother's Day
[00:18.27]During the 1600s,England celebrated1 a day
[00:23.21]called 'Mothering Sunday'.
[00:25.60]This celebration2 took place
[00:27.48]on the fourth Sunday in Lent,
[00:29.66]usually in Marth or early April.In those days,
[00:33.73]many poor people in England worked as servants.
[00:37.35]Most of them worked far away from home,
[00:40.75]so they used3 to live with the people
[00:42.91]they worked for.On 'Mothering Sunday',
[00:46.47]the servants would be given a holiday
[00:48.74]and they were encouraged to go home
[00:51.12]and spend the day with their mothers.
[00:53.58]They often took a special cake,
[00:56.43]called a 'mothering cake',for their mothers.
[01:00.52]Today, many countries celebrate Mother's Day.
[01:04.31]Not all of them celebrate it
[01:06.30]on the same day or in the same way.
[01:10.06]Argentina, for example,celebrates it
[01:12.66]on the second Sunday in October
[01:15.93]while Norway, a European country,
[01:18.92]celebrates Mother's Day on the second Sunday
[01:22.00]in February.



1 celebrated iwLzpz     
  • He was soon one of the most celebrated young painters in England.不久他就成了英格兰最负盛名的年轻画家之一。
  • The celebrated violinist was mobbed by the audience.观众团团围住了这位著名的小提琴演奏家。
2 celebration xUhyq     
  • The celebration passed off successfully.庆祝活动圆满结束。
  • The celebration of Christmas is a custom.庆祝圣诞节是一种习俗。
3 used ajBwV     
  • I used to work until nearly 6:00 o'clock each day.我过去常常工作到6:00左右。
  • He used to walk anywhere from two to five miles an hour.他过去经常一小时走二至五英里。

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