
新标准初中英语九年级(下):UNIT2 Albert Einstein

时间:2010-03-19 05:53:14



[00:03.91]Module 4 A SCIENCE EXPERIMENT
[00:08.31]Unit 2 He was able to raise six million dollars
[00:15.48]1 Listen and read.
[00:19.65]The Life of Albert Einstein
[00:23.38]Albert Einstein was born on March 14th,
[00:27.98]1879 in Germany.
[00:31.46]As a child, Einstein would hardly ever talk.
[00:36.49]In fact, he was so quiet that his parents
[00:40.29]thought he was not normal.
[00:43.30]He would sit by himself
[00:45.49]and build tall houses of cards.
[00:49.47]He hated playing with guns
[00:52.32]and by the age of 10,
[00:54.53]he was already reading Maths books.
[00:57.54]From 1885 to 1892,
[01:00.86]Einstein studied in the German city of Munich.
[01:06.23]In 1905, he received his Doctor
[01:09.44]of Philosophy1 (Ph.D.) degree from
[01:13.22]the University of Zurich for his research
[01:16.82]in the fields of Maths and Physics.
[01:21.47]In 1908, Einstein taught
[01:24.37]at the University of Bern.By that time,
[01:28.49]he was already internationally recognized
[01:31.56]as a leading scientific thinker2.
[01:34.71]The following year,
[01:36.46]he became Professor of Physics
[01:38.59]at the University of Zurich.
[01:41.58]Einstein later moved to Prague in 1911
[01:45.89]where he was a professor at the Karl-
[01:48.66]Ferdinand  University.In the same year,
[01:52.30]he made the important discovery
[01:54.85]that light behaves differently
[01:57.48]when it passes near the Sun.



1 philosophy dNAxg     
  • He believed in the philosophy of Russell.他信奉罗素的哲学。
  • I can't sum up his whole philosophy in one sentence.我无法用一句话来概括他的全部人生观。
2 thinker igDz2j     
  • There lived in Greece a great thinker named Aristotle.希腊有一个名叫亚里斯多德的伟大思想家。
  • He is a loose thinker.他是个思维不严密的人。

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