
新标准初中英语九年级(下):UNIT2 A bag

时间:2010-03-19 06:12:30



[00:03.44]Module 7 NEWSPAPERS
[00:06.96]Unit 2 He was shown around the school
[00:11.18]by the Principal1.
[00:13.59]Listen and read.
[00:15.92]The Daily Times
[00:17.94]Saturday, February 25 2006
[00:23.16]Money Returned by Honest Taxi Driver
[00:27.17]Li Xianfeng
[00:29.68]Yesterday afternoon;
[00:31.54]a bag was left in the back of a taxi
[00:34.30]by Mrs Jane Webb;an English tourist.
[00:37.76]Luckily, the taxi's next pasenger saw the bag
[00:41.86]when he got into it a few minutes later.
[00:45.28]He told the taxi driver,
[00:47.13]Mr Sun Wen, about the bag Earlier in the day,
[00:52.41]Mrs Webb had been picked up
[00:55.19]from the River Gardens Hotel by Mr Sun.
[00:58.78]He immediately2 drove3 to the hotel
[01:01.19]and gave the bag back to her.
[01:04.14]Mrs Webb was so happy to get her bag back.
[01:09.43]School Visit by Mayor4  Lin Anping
[01:13.99]Last Saturday, Mayor Zhang Songlin
[01:17.40]paid a two-hour visit to the No.4 Middle School
[01:21.48]He was shown around the new school
[01:23.81]by the Principal,Ms Liu Jinting.
[01:27.26]Mayor Zhang spoke5 to many students
[01:30.04]and teachers during his visit.
[01:32.63]He told them about modern education
[01:35.13]and he visited the school's science labs
[01:38.33]and computer centres.
[01:40.21]Mayor Zhang then had lunch
[01:42.31]with the students and teachers
[01:44.67]before he left at two o'clock.



1 principal pQdx2     
  • When he saw the principal,he raised his hand in salutation.他看到校长时举手敬礼。
  • Their school gave a reception to their new principal.他们学校为新校长举办了一个招待会。
2 immediately RaWxh     
  • I'll change it immediately for you.我立刻给您换。
  • I immediately become happy again.我立马就变的高兴起来了。
3 drove brAxi     
  • He drove at a speed of sixty miles per hour.他以每小时60英里的速度开车。
  • They drove foreign goods out of the market.他们把外国货驱逐出市场。
4 mayor iBOxX     
  • The new mayor said he would clean the city up.新市长说,他要整顿本市。
  • The mayor hurried into his office,brushing off the reporters.市长赶快走进办公室,拒不接见记者。
5 spoke XryyC     
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。

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