90. Smoking 1. This is a non-smoker section, isnt it? 2. Do you feel like a smoke? 3. Do you mind my smoking here? 4. What in your opinion can be done...
89.Season 1.Which season do you like best? 2.Summer is the most rainy season,isn't it? 3.Do you like spring? 4.Spring is the most beautiful season,isn...
88.School 1.What are you going to study? 2.What courses are you planning to take? 3.What did you specialize in? 4.What field did you major in? 5.What ...
87.Marriage 婚姻(上) 1.Are you married? 2.Do you mind if I ask you whether you are married or not? 3.When are you going to get married? 4.When did you...
86.Language 语言(上) 1.Can you speak French? 2.What is the Chinese for this? 3.French is the most beautiful language,isn't it? 4.What other languages ...
85.Interview 1. Could you tell me something about yourself ? 2. How do you like it here ? 3. Why do you want to work here ? 4. Do you know any shortha...
083 house 1. I saw a sign apartment to rent outside. 2. Is it furnished? 3. You have to buy your own furniture. 4. How much is the rent? 5. How long i...
Festival: 1.The spring festival seems to be the most important holiday in China 2.Christams spirit means it's better to give thant to receive. 3.We us...
80.Exercise 1.That's the result of exercise. 2.I'm starting working out from now on. 3.Your muscular shoulders and chest impress me deeply. 4.She has ...
79.English 1.When did you start learning english? 2.How did you feel about English when you first heard it spoken? 3.Do you practise speaking English ...