1.美语三级跳 Go English:008A 坐飞机: 初级课程
Todd在洛杉矶上学,趁着放寒假,要回阿拉斯加去和父母一块儿过圣诞节。今天,他来到一家旅行社定机票。 Professor: Do you visit your parents on the holiday, ...
2.美语三级跳 Go English:007B 你是哪里人: 中级课程
Professor: Kevin and Jose are new roommates who are meeting each other for the first time. Jose is from Mexico, and is telling Kevin about his experie...
3.美语三级跳 Go English:007A 你是哪里人: 初级课程
Professor: Kevin and Jose are roommates at college. Today they are moving into their room and meeting each other for the first time. Professor Bowman,...
4.美语三级跳 Go English:006C 音乐单元: 高级课程
P: Ernie and Beth are two students at college and they are starting a musical group together. Today Beth and Ernie are talking to Eric, who is a DJ, t...
5.美语三级跳 Go English:006B 音乐单元: 中级课程
喜欢流行乐的Ernie和酷爱嘻哈乐的Beth打算组个乐队。 P: Today they're discussing what kind of music their band should play. Beth: Ernie, I'm really excit...
6.美语三级跳 Go English:006A 音乐单元: 初级课程
Ernie和Beth是大学同学,俩人想组个乐队。 不过,他们要先了解一下彼此的音乐口味是否相同。 Professor: So, let's find out what kind of music they like. Ern...
7.美语三级跳 Go English:005C 大学生活: 高级课程
Eric和Patty是大学同学,俩人聊起了住宿情况。 Professor: Listen for the word lousy, which means bad. Eric: So Patty, are you planning on living on campu...
8.美语三级跳 Go English:005A 大学生活: 初级课程
Eric和Patty是好朋友,也是大学同学。他们中午一起吃饭,聊起了校园生活。 Professor: In this first part, we will learn how to ask what classes someone is ...
9.美语三级跳 Go English:005B 大学生活: 中级课程
Eric和Patty是大学同学,俩人正在聊校园生活。 Professor: Eric wants to find out what clubs Patty is in. In this section, listen for the word a cappella,...
10.美语三级跳 Go English:004B 恋爱单元: 中级课程
Emily告诉好朋友Kevin,自己交了个男朋友,可最终却分手了。Professor Bowman, 怎么会这样呢? Professor: Let's listen and find out what went wrong. Kevin: ...