今天我们要学的词是discount。 Discount, 做名词用,有折价的意思。 I bought the dress at a 50% discount, 我这条裙子是五折买的。 We made room reservations...
2.每日一词【1229】step up:加强
今天我们要学的词是step up. To step up, 是加强的意思。 Our team stepped up our defense in the second half and won the game, 我们队下半场比赛加强防守,...
3.每日一词【1228】on the job:上班的时候
今天我们要学的词是on the job。 On the job, 意思是上班的时候。 The new mayor hit the ground running his first day on the job, 新市长走马上任第一天就投...
今天我们要学的词是reveal。 Reveal, 有公布和透露的意思。 Newly released WikiLeaks cables reveal that the U.S. has been giving money to Syria's oppositi...
今天我们要学的词是 biography, biography is spelled b-i-o-g-r-a-p-h-y; biography. Biography 传记。The biography of famous movie star Glenn Ford will be...
6.每日一词【1222】lay out:公开展示
今天我们要学的词是lay out, lay is spelled l-a-y; out is spelled o-u-t; lay out. to lay out 公开展示。President Obama will lay out his plans to reduce ...
今天我们要学的词是straightforward。 Straightforward, 简单明了,直截了当。 Experts say that diagnosing back problems is not always straightforward, 专...
今天我们要学的词是manifesto。 Manifesto, 宣言。美国国会众议院预算委员会星期二公布了2012年预算案。 The budget is not binding, but will serve as a manif...
今天我们要学的词是broker。 Broker, 做为动词,是中介促成的意思。前埃及部长级官员因为涉嫌腐败而接受审判。 A former Egyptian housing minister was involve...
今天我们要学的词是climax。 Climax, 高潮。 The movie builds to an unexpected climax, 电影的高潮出人意料。 Critics claim that his new novel lacks a clim...