1.VOA双语新闻 - 布什欢迎美国奥运代表团访问白宫
President George Bush welcomed the U.S. Olympic team to the White House Tuesday for a celebration of its accomplishments at the Beijing Olympics. Hund...
2.VOA双语新闻 - 美越就政治国防安全展开战略对话
The United States and Vietnam have discussed possible U.S. sales of weapons and spare parts to Vietnam, as well as American military help with disaste...
3.VOA双语新闻 - 美国告诫叙利亚勿干预黎巴嫩事务
The United States is cautioning Syria against new intervention in Lebanon following a terrorist attack in Damascus late last month that Syria has blam...
4.VOA双语新闻 - 岛国在非洲治国名录上名列前茅
A newly-released list that ranks the effectiveness of governments in sub-Saharan Africa shows small island nations such as Mauritius, the Seychelles a...
5.VOA双语新闻 - 美总统竞选对对手攻击日益尖锐
Republicans are trying to change the focus of the U.S. presidential race between their candidate, Senator John McCain, and the Democratic nominee, Sen...
6.VOA双语新闻 - 韩国提议创建东亚基金防金融冲击
South Korea is taking the lead in creating a prospective pool of money with its cash-rich neighbors to prevent the worst effects of the American econo...
7.VOA双语新闻 - 阿富汗称联军承诺减少平民伤亡
Afghanistan's defense minister on Sunday said the Pentagon has pledged to take steps to reduce civilian casualties from aerial attacks against insurge...
8.VOA双语新闻 - 泰警方逮捕反政府抗议主要领导人
Thai police have arrested key leaders of protests who have occupied a main government building in Bangkok since August 26. But analysts warn the arres...
9.VOA双语新闻 - 美两党总统竞选班子加紧攻击对手
With roughly one month to go until Election Day in the United States, the two major presidential campaigns are stepping up their attacks on each other...
10.VOA双语新闻 - 利夫尼誓言推动以巴和谈对抗伊朗
The new leader of Israel's ruling party is vowing to move forward with peace talks with the Palestinians, while confronting Iran. 以色列执政党的新领导...