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1.英语听力文摘 English Digest 416、“二手”空气
二手空气 Big cities, with all their pollution , have an effect on trees No doubt. In the countryside. Say what? Big cities affect the trees in the cou...
2.英语听力文摘 English Digest 415、流感疫苗的神奇功效
Flu Shot Through the Heart 流感疫苗的神奇功效 Researchers conducting a study of hospital stays for over two hundred and eighty six thousand older folk...
3.英语听力文摘 English Digest 414、天生的猎手
Snake Vision Snakes have heat-vision that allows them to catch their dinners in the dark. True or false? True! It isnt quite right to call it vision, ...
4.英语听力文摘 English Digest 413、偶尔的“山顶洞人”
Sometime Cavemen 偶尔的山顶洞人 From the bestselling novel Clan of the Cave Bear to the 1981 movie Caveman, pop-culture tends to misrepresent prehisto...
5.英语听力文摘 English Digest 412、防火气球
The Fireproof Balloon 防火气球 Yael, Want to see a trick ? Sure. Here, blow up this balloon. Ok, now what? Now, I light this candle. Now what do you t...
6.英语听力文摘 English Digest 411、天冷不宜锻炼?
Too Cold to Exercise? 天冷不宜锻炼? D: WooIt's freezing out. Y: Come on, It's not that cold. D: Sure it is. Yael.I guess there's just no way I can go...
7.英语听力文摘 English Digest 410、长蛀牙,怎么办?
Getting Rid Of Cavities Don: Sorry, I'm late. I was brushing my teeth. Yal: Brushing your teeth! Right before A Moment of Science? Why? D: I'm trying ...
8.英语听力文摘 English Digest 409、绅士的蝴蝶
绅士的蝴蝶 One thinks of nature as red in tooth and claw, as the old saying goes. Species compete with each other for resources, and members of the sa...
9.英语听力文摘 English Digest 408、点点头,更自信!
For Self-Confidence, Just Nod Don: Yal, everyday I grow closer to my goal of mind-control. Yal: What do you mean, Don? D: Checkout thisstudy from Ohio...
10.英语听力文摘 English Digest 407、头球有害健康吗?
Is Heading in Soccer Dangerous? 头球危险吗? Is heading in soccer dangerous? Its a question that has met its fair share of controversy. If youve never...