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1.英语听力文摘 English Digest 396、长寿的奥秘!
One Step Closer to Living Longer D: You know, when I watch futuristic sci-fi movies, I notice everyone has a normal aging pattern. You don't encounter...
2.英语听力文摘 English Digest 395、无意识模仿
Matching Tempo s 模仿语速 Researchshows that people change the speed at which they speak to more closely match speech they have just heard. They dont ...
3.英语听力文摘 English Digest 394、自然界的直升机:蜂鸟
蜂鸟是雨燕目蜂鸟科动物约600种的统称,是世界上已知最小的鸟类。蜂鸟身体很小,能够通过快速拍打翅膀悬停在空中,每秒约15次到80次,它的快慢取决于蜂鸟的大 小...
4.英语听力文摘 English Digest 393、单亲蜜蜂王国
Fatherless Honeybee s How male honeybee s can be without fathers? The reason lies in whats called a haploidiploid system of sex determination. Approxi...
5.英语听力文摘 English Digest 392、最快的车是什么?
What Makes Hybrid Cars So Efficient ? 最快的车是什么? Don : Hybrid cars are known as hybrid s because they use an electric motor to augment the perfo...
6.英语听力文摘 English Digest 391、感受空气的存在
What is Air? 空气 D: Strictly speaking, air is mostly nitrogenabout seventy-eight percent, and about twenty-one percent oxygen, which leaves about one...
7.英语听力文摘 English Digest 390、干旱知识ABC
Drought For those of us lucky enough to always have enough food and water, it may be hard to imagine living through a drought . A drought occurs when ...
8.英语听力文摘 English Digest 389、好心情是良药
Emotions and the Common Cold 好心情是一剂良药 Yal: Youve probably heard it said that ones attitude affects ones health. Don: Yeah! Yeah! If you mainta...
9.英语听力文摘 English Digest 388、目光交流很重要
Are You Looking at Me? 你在看我吗? You know how eye contact is a pretty important component of interacting with people,right? So scientists recently ...
10.英语听力文摘 English Digest 387、小心蚂蚁!
Ant Attack! Imagine this. Youre coming home to your gated community after a long day of work. As you stop to show the guard your ID, a mugger jumps ou...