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1.英语听力文摘 English Digest 326、洋葱是宠物杀手?
Onions Are Toxic to Your Pets 洋葱是宠物杀手? You may already know that chocolate can be lethal to your pet, but did you know that onions can be toxi...
2.英语听力文摘 English Digest 325、树跟人类是近亲?
Is A Tree Related To Me? 树跟人类是近亲? Last time we talked about the false belief that evolutionary theory says human beings descended from monkeys...
3.英语听力文摘 English Digest 324、可乐的神奇清洁能力
The Cleaning Power of Soft Drinks! 饮料的神奇清洁能力 Lets begin with a cleaning tip: If you have some tarnished or corroded brass that you want to cl...
4.英语听力文摘 English Digest 323、荡秋千的精彩
Swinging Physics: Potential And Kinetic Energy Working Together 动能与势能相互作用 动能是所有能看到的运动的能量,包括物体的,微粒的或质点集的运动等。 ...
5.英语听力文摘 English Digest 322、睡不着?暖暖手吧!
Cant Sleep? Warm Your Hands! 睡不着?暖暖手吧! Ya?l: You okay, Don? Don: Sorry,Ya?l . I've been having trouble sleeping lately. Y: Have you tried thi...
6.英语听力文摘 English Digest 321、鸟儿捕虫的法宝
How Do Robins And Other Birds Find Worms? 鸟儿捕虫的线索 Everyone is familiar with the sight of robins hopping around the yard, peering into the grass...
7.英语听力文摘 English Digest 320、南极地衣
南极地衣 南极地衣是地球上最古老的植物之一,是一类原始型的低等植物,它能适应南极洲那种沙漠般的干燥和极度寒冷的环境,所以它是分布最广、种类最多的南极土...
8.英语听力文摘 English Digest 319、储存食物的动物
Food Caching 食物储存 Humans may be one of the smartest animals on the planet, but when it comes to remembering where things are, Clarks nutcrackers h...
9.英语听力文摘 English Digest 318、无糖可乐的奥秘
How Do You Make A Diet-Coke Float? 你能让无糖可乐浮起来吗? Heres an at-home experiment you can try. Take a can of classic Coca-Cola and a can of Diet...
10.英语听力文摘 English Digest 317、灰蝶与蚂蚁双赢原则
灰蝶与蚂蚁双赢原则 The Special Relationship Between Ants and Lycaenid Butterflies The Lycaenids are a group of butterflies known commonly as blues, co...