Japanese Robots Besting Humans at Games Tokyo University engineering professor Masatoshi Ishikawa has a good-natured response to frustrated human lose...
Fighting Uphill Battle Against AIDS Africa is the birthplace of HIV/AIDS. No other region of the world has more people living with the disease or has ...
Rising Youth Unemployment Endangers Africa's Stability One example is Ahmet Toure of Senegal who has never had a job. Toure makes his living buying se...
Kenyan Hip Hop Artists Praise Inspirational Town Kenyan hip hop took off in the mid-1990s, when the group Kalamashaka started rapping in informal Swah...
Family-Planning Campaign to Aid Millions in World's Poorest Countries The Margaret Pyke Center is a sexual health clinic in central London that offers...
Going to Camp to Become a Sports Mascot Summer mascot camp is underway near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. I am the wild cat, said Jesse King. I have learn...
US Bead Parties Boost Ugandan Women Its party time for Madison Blandford and three dozen of her girlfriends. The 11-year-old invited her classmates an...
PEPFAR Evolves and Expands PEPFAR, the Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, is credited with saving millions of lives in developing countries. T...
PEPFAR Goes Beyond HIV U.S. efforts to help those infected with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa have saved millions of lives. But theyve had another benefit...
Ramadan Olympics Challenge Muslim Athletes Muslim Olympic hopefuls face the prospect of competing at the highest levels while abstaining from all food...