The perfect man? He'd come with a rippling six-pack and a lantern jaw...at least that's what Hollywood would have us believe. 完美男人?他必须拥有凸显...
2.奥巴马最后1次在白宫过圣诞 献声歌唱秀恩爱
Barack Obama lit the National Christmas Tree at the White House for the eighth and final time as president on last Thursday night. 上周四晚上,巴拉克...
3.麦乐鸡每块都有英文名 吃麦当劳多年的你才造?!
McDonald's has revealed that their Chicken McNuggets come in four different shapes - shattering the illusions that the shapes are simply random. 麦当...
4.全球人均财富榜:瑞士登顶 中国低于世界平均
Income inequality has been a hot-button issue globally in 2016, and with good reason. A new report confirms that the worlds rich do, indeed, keep gett...
Some people would call it cramming if you study the night before a test. I do not. If you study the night before a test, you still have hours, not min...
Magic 魔法 When I was younger I was entranced with stories of magic. I devoured books where wizards and warriors battled the powers of darkness in str...
1. What are the 10 hardest things in life? To decide whether to leave or try harder. 决定是离开还是更加努力.生活中最艰难的10件事是什么? title= 生活...
Will a caterpillar ever be able to reach the other side of the sea? 毛毛虫怎样才能到达大海另一头? Yes, if metamorphosis turns it into a butterfly. 变...
Anger be tough. It can spawn its ugly minions, like frustration, fear, anxiety, stress and even rage. It can feel like its eating you up inside as it ...
I've always wanted to start my own business. I've always wanted to start working for myself. Yet I didn't make that decision until 3 years ago, after ...