美议员对伊朗联大表现持有戒心 As U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Western envoys meet with Iran's foreign minister, part of a renewed push to get...
内罗毕袭击显露基地组织在非洲之角的影响 The attack by al-Shabab militants on Nairobi's Westgate shopping mall has raised fears that the group is broade...
人道团体呼吁增加对叙利亚难民的资助 Nearly 3 million people have fled Syria since the civil war there began, and more are leaving every day. Most of th...
联合国大会将在纽约开幕 On Tuesday, world leaders will convene in New York for their annual gathering at the United Nations General Assembly. The Syria...
美海军枪击案后重审精神问题 The emotional state of the gunman in the Navy Yard shooting has emerged as a central element of the investigation, with que...
6.VOA双语新闻:12、叙利亚化武外交继续 和谈前景模糊
叙利亚化武外交继续 和谈前景模糊 The U.S.-Russian framework for eliminating Syrian chemical weapons does not address the political divisions that have ...
叙利亚危机中伊朗保持低调 Syrias main ally, Russia, has taken on a central role in the effort to get President Bashar al-Assad to give up his chemical ...
美联储可能缩减刺激经济措施 Investors are watching nervously as the U.S. central bank considers when to reduce its efforts to stimulate the economy. Ma...
叙利亚难民在埃及日子难熬 The turmoil in Egypt has had repercussions for the estimated several hundred thousand Syrians who had thought they would find...
非法全球野生动物交易 Thai and American officials are reporting progress in a combined effort to curb the global trade in illicit wildlife. But they sa...