美式英语走红香港 Hong Kong was a British colony for 156 years before reverting to Chinese control in 1997. English is still widely spoken and taught t...
意大利业主惨淡经营,寻求中国买家 The economic crisis in Italy has left many small businesses in dire straits. Unable to get credit and with little hop...
美导弹防御设施在罗马尼亚动工 Romania and the United States have inaugurated a military site that will be part of the NATO missile defense system that ...
沙特和美国关系受重伤 Tensions between Saudi Arabia and the United States are causing a severe strain on what has been a rock-solid relationship. Saudi...
5.VOA双语新闻:19、两伊结成新联盟 波斯湾未来叵测
两伊结成新联盟 波斯湾未来叵测 The U.S. removal of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in 2003 created a new dynamic between Iraq and Iran. The two nations,...
泰国东方底特律 Thailand is gaining a reputation as the Detroit of the East for its booming automobile industry. It is now the world's third largest ma...
人权组织要求调查美无人机攻击 Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International released joint reports Tuesday documenting dozens of civilian deaths from U....
日本考虑军事安全改革 Japans government says it plans to allow its self-defense forces to play a greater role in global security. Currently Japan's pac...
前瞻美国巴基斯坦峰会 Pakistans Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif meets U.S. President Barack Obama at the White House Wednesday. It will be the first meetin...
印度寡妇获得新生 Nearly 2,000 widows who have been abandoned by society and their families live in government shelters lacking basic amenities in Indi...