Signalling explains all kinds of behaviour. 信号行为能够解释各种各样的行为。 Firms pay dividends to their shareholders, who must pay income tax on the...
Economics brief: six big ideas. 经济概要:六大经济思想。 Information asymmetry: Secrets and agents 信息不对称:秘密和代理 George Akerlof's 1970 paper,...
To Minsky, this was an unfair and naive representation of Keynes's subtle and sophisticated views. 对于明斯基而言,这是对凯恩斯的精妙且成熟的观点的一...
Economics brief: Financial stability: Minsky's moment 经济概要:金融稳定:明斯基的时刻 The second article in our series on seminal economic ideas look...
5.经济学人:委内瑞拉国债 时间所剩无几
Finance and economics: Venezuelan government debt: Running out of time 财经:委内瑞拉国债:时间所剩无几 A devastating spiral continues. 一场持续性灾难...
6.经济学人:从0到70(十亿) 优步究竟经历了什么(4)
Developing its own maps enables Uber to offer more precise estimates for pickups and drop-offs to users and better routes for driversimprovements whic...
7.经济学人:从0到70(十亿) 优步究竟经历了什么(3)
Competition at home and abroad will affect Uber's profit margins in the medium term. 在发展中期,优步的利润率会受到来自国内外竞争的影响。 Thibaud Simp...
8.经济学人:从0到70(十亿) 优步究竟经历了什么(2)
Two of today's digital giants provide a useful guide to Uber's position and plans. 当下,两大科技巨头可以在市场定位和发展计划方面为优步提供借鉴之处。 ...
9.经济学人:从0到70(十亿) 优步究竟经历了什么(1)
Briefing: Uber: From zero to seventy (billion) 简报:优步:从0到70(十亿) The accelerated life and times of the world's most valuable startup. 加快的...
10.经济学人:两大高面值现钞被禁 印度陷入货币兑换恐慌潮(下)
Against that, the black-money crackdown will probably dent (or worse) already-fragile property prices, especially in big citiesand so the value of the...