Business: Hospitality Stay with me 商业:酒店业,别离开我 As online rivals whizz ahead, hotels try to be both big and nimble. 眼看网络竞争对手飕飕前进...
Finance and economics: Property taxes: Home bias 财经:房产税:本土偏好 A taxing problem for foreign buyers. 外籍买家的房产税难题。 Even in hot market...
Europe Frances economy 欧洲 法国经济 Austerity stakes 紧缩困境 A reluctant government faces the imperative of public-spending cuts 法国削减公共支出势...
4.经济学人:屋漏偏逢连天雨 英镑贬值又遇信誉评级下降
Britain Sterling 英国 英镑 Weaker still and weaker 屋漏偏逢连天雨 The downgrade of British sovereign debt by Moodys did not spook the markets. But inv...
5.经济学人:英国公共财政 "昙花一现"后的悲凉
Britain The public finances 英国 公共财政 Off target 偏离目标 Despite a good month, George Osborne is far from balancing the budget 纵然一月好光景,平...
6.经济学人:经济政策与承诺背道而驰 奥朗德能够俘获民心?
French economic policy 法国经济政策 Which way for Mr Hollande? 奥朗德何去何从? Elected on the left,Frances president seems to be veering towards the ...
7.经济学人:奥朗德推行高昂富人税 富人会因此"出逃"?
Europe French taxation 欧洲 法国税收 A bas les riches! 对富人的严厉打击 Francois Hollande remains intent on introducing a punishing top income-tax 弗...
8.经济学人:爱尔兰赤字高居欧盟前列 政府6次收缩预算
Europe Irelands budget 欧洲 爱尔兰的财政预算 Light at the end of the tunnel 一线希望 Irelands sixth austerity budget 爱尔兰的第六次收缩预算 Since mid-...
9.经济学人:信贷紧缩侵蚀欧洲 银行业查漏补缺更待何时?
Non-bank finance in Europe 欧洲非银行金融机构 Embracing the alternatives 采用新方法 Banks are changing. That means other providers of capital must ste...
10.经济学人:拉加德名单问世 瑞士不再是贪官的金融避风港
Greek taxation 希腊税收 Doubts over competence 全面质疑 Not a single prominent tax evader has yet been convicted 至今为止,希腊还未对任何有明显偷税嫌...