1.每日商务英语 第108期:高额离职费
golden handshake 高额离职费 英文释义 An agreement, often written into a contract, bywhich a high-ranking executive receives a largeamount of cash, sto...
2.每日商务英语 第106期:使吸引人
to make something pop 使吸引人 英文释义 To make something visually distinctive in a way thatreveals and draws attention to attractive designelements. ...
3.每日商务英语 第105期:勇敢向前
Stomp the terra! 勇敢向前! 英文释义 A forceful, friendly expression encouraging listenersto live and act confidently without fear or hesitation;an ex...
4.每日商务英语 第104期:内疚礼物
sorry gift 内疚礼物 英文释义 A gift offered to a spouse as an apology forpurchasing a more expensive gift for oneself. 例句 When I bought myself an ex...
5.每日商务英语 第103期:祝你下次好运
better luck next time 祝你下次好运 英文释义 Traditional expression of sympathy for a minordisappointment. 例句 When I defeated my little brother, who ...
6.每日商务英语 第102期:最珍爱之物
the apple of one's eye 最珍爱之物 英文释义 Traditional expression referring to whatever a personcherishes most. 例句 My friend has never owned a car b...
7.每日商务英语 第101期:举手表决
a show of hands 举手表决 英文释义 A way of expressing a vote among members of agroup by asking for hands to be raised in favor or inopposition to an i...
8.每日商务英语 第100期:成功的关键时刻
at the eleventh hour 成功的关键时刻 英文释义 At the last possible moment something can beaccomplished. 例句 I thought my long, difficult negotiations ...
9.每日商务英语 第99期:我觉得不太可能
I wouldn't bet on it 我觉得不太可能 英文释义 An informal expression suggesting that a belief thatsomething is possibly but not likely. (NOTE also: Iwo...
10.每日商务英语 第98期:说起来容易
Talk is cheap. 说起来容易。 英文释义 Traditional expression meaning that it is easy to saysomething, but sometimes harder to accomplish it. 例句 Our n...