What is his practical impact on Christianitys development? He in chance says that he went where no men went before. Its a famous expression that survi...
His memory would be obliterated by events which would create Ireland's first and most enduring cult of personality. It is the story of a spiritual rev...
This type of inscribed stone is usually found only in Ireland or the far western fringes of Britain. These lines represent the oldest form of the Iris...
It seems the Romans did briefly contemplate an invasion until trouble in Scotland called the legions away. And so Ireland was never subordinated to Ro...
A geographer living under Caesars rule described the Irish as a cannibal race who deemed it commendable to devour their deceased fathers and who lived...
The murdered man from the Meath bog reveals something of how the Irish lived several hundreds years before Christ. Their gods were the gods of nature ...
-We can see he has this very unusual hairstyle. The front of the forehead was shaved, and then the rest of hair was bundled up a bit like a Mohawk. An...
-You always ask me difficult questions. -Well, that's my job. -Well, this does at least tell us somebody comes from Northern Europe here with this mat...
-Why would they build something like this? What were they trying to say? -I think for early farmers, the notion of ancestry, that's really the central...
-I remember one kid said, Sir, that doesn't make any sense? I said, How do you mean it doesn't make any sense? I said, Carson wanted the union of Irel...